Other Rules and Procedures

Procedure in the Event of Sexual Violence
The creation of such a procedure for our College is a legal obligation coming from the Loi visant à prévenir et à combattre les violences sexuelles dans les établissements d’enseignement supérieur (2017) and also from the Policy Against Sexual Violence adopted by Champlain Regional College in 2018 and amended in April 2019.
Procedure in the Event of Sexual Violence
CEGEP Champlain - St. Lawrence seeks to foster and maintain a community of mutual respect and concern for all its members. It is a great violation of the terms of that community, and of the essential dignity of any member within it, when an act of sexual violence is committed. Any act of sexual violence constitutes a deep affront to our college standards, and will not be tolerated in any form.

Other Rules and Procedures
There are a number of other rules and procedures that may affect you at St. Lawrence. When in doubt, check with the Academic Advisor. The sections below provide some additional information on rules and procedures.
Computer Acceptable Use Policy
You are expected to use the college's systems, software and hardware responsibly for college purposes. St. Lawrence is currently updating its Computer Acceptable Use Policy, to outline those responsibilities in more detail.
Ethics and Professional Responsibilities Guidelines for Faculty
In much the same way as students are expected to respect the Institutional Code of Student Conduct, teachers are expected to respect guidelines for their interactions with students and others at the college. Some of these guidelines are included in documents referred to elsewhere in this website, such as the Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) and the Harassment Policy in the Policies and Bylaws of Champlain Regional College. St. Lawrence also has a broad set of ethical guidelines for teachers, which you can find by clicking on the link below.
Consult the Ethics and Professional Responsibilities Guidelines for Faculty