Arts, Literature and Communication (ALC) Program
In St. Lawrence’s Arts, Literature and Communication (ALC) Program, you will explore themes of Culture, Creation and Expression.
Why choose the ALC Program (500.AL)?
- Develop proficiency in Spanish
- Master both written and spoken English and French
- Gain insight into national cultural issues from both English and French perspectives
- Learn about creation and expression, with courses dedicated to these themes
- Acquire confidence and effective public-speaking skills in large and small groups
- Develop advanced academic research skills
- Develop critical thinking through the study of Western culture and pop fiction
- Establish personal networks by meeting significant people from universities, colleges, and the world of arts
At St. Lawrence, you will have unique opportunities.
- Experience an intimate setting and a small student-teacher ratio
- Work with native-speaking teaching assistants to ensure your success
- Gain access to extra help from our language workshops and peer tutors
- Form lifelong memories and friendships through exchanges, student trips, and frequent ALC get-togethers
- Benefit from cultural excursions in the Quebec City area
- Enjoy dynamic and unique guest speakers
- Participate in our annual cultural day and in our theatre productions
The ALC program at St. Lawrence has been designed with special features in mind.
- Literary works as a starting point for exploring culture: Your teachers will often use literature as a starting point for introducing you to cultural traditions and issues. Other areas of culture will help you understand what you are reading, and the readings will also lead to exploration of other forms of culture.
- National cultural issues: Given its position at the crossroads of English and French cultural influences, St. Lawrence covers national cultural issues in two courses: Canadian Arts and Literature and Le Québec à travers son art. This allows you to explore two perspectives of the crucial issue of identity at same time.
- Second-language level: French courses have been planned so that anglophones, allophones and francophones can improve their level in their second language at St. Lawrence, French. St. Lawrence also offers additional services for those who need more help. For example, tutoring and various exercises prepared by teachers are available.
- Third language: St. Lawrence has built an expertise in Spanish, a language central to the Western cultural tradition. We aim to bring you to a level of independence in this language.
- Cultural diversity: In your final semester, you have the opportunity to explore contemporary cultural diversity through two courses. The Pop Fiction course addresses diversity through contemporary English-language literature. The Exploring Cultural Diversity course deals with diversity in countries associated with the foreign language in the program (Spanish). Teachers and students may consider examining common themes in the various societies covered in the two courses.
Starting in Fall 2024, there are three parallel course sequences for each program and profile.
If you are eligible to attend English school under the Charter of the French language and are in possession of a certificate granted by the Ministry of Education, you are considered a Certificate Holder. Your course sequence will then be determined by your results in the high school French course (1-2 or 3-4). For more information about Certificates, please consult the Ministry of Education’s website.
If you are not eligible, you must follow the course sequence that prepares students for l'Épreuve uniforme de français (EUF - French minesterial language evalution).
For a brief overview of the changes to course sequences following Law 14, consult this document.

The following course sequences are only correct if you are beginning your studies in Fall 2025. If you began your studies prior to Fall 2025, please visit the legacy version of this page.
The Languages Option that we offer allows you to study in English, French, and Spanish. Our two profiles are based on whether you are ready for Spanish I or Spanish II. Course credit beyond Spanish II may also be given, depending on our assessment of your level (as explained below).
All students will be sent a language questionnaire about prior knowledge of Spanish. If you indicate prior knowledge, you will then be sent a placement test. Based on the results of the placement test(s), you will be placed in one of two profiles.
Languages without Prior Spanish:
This profile takes you through college-level Spanish courses I, II and III.
Languages with Prior Spanish:
This profile takes you through college-level Spanish courses II, III and IV.
Based on the placement test, students who have at least a level II knowledge of Spanish will be given the opportunity to request an equivalency for their prior knowledge. Each request will be processed for a fee of $25. The procedure for equivalencies is as follows:
- Fill in a Request for Equivalency Form and send it to Admissions at with your payment of $25 per language course. Include any documents for courses already taken elsewhere. If your language knowledge is not based on courses, you can submit a request without supporting documents.
- The test for credit will normally take place during the Welcome Days in the week before the semester starts.
- Once the College has your results, they will be transmitted to you and you will be placed in the level indicated in your test for credit. You will be given credit for any lower level Spanish courses beyond level I.
- If you have any questions, please contact the Academic Advisor.
All college programs in Québec have a graduate profile. This describes their graduates' competencies. In addition, there is a comprehensive assessment (CA) which evaluates whether students have met the expectations of the graduate profile. In some programs, the comprehensive assessment is linked to a course with an integrative activity (IA), building on what was learned in past courses.
Graduates of the St. Lawrence Arts, Literature and Communication Program shall be knowledgeable about the arts, grounded in literature and equipped to communicate in four languages. Graduates shall be able to
- Approach questions of literary and aesthetic culture with the help of an understanding of Western classics and of English Canadian and Québec cultural contributions
- Demonstrate intellectual curiosity and rigour in planning and conducting research activities, such as identifying appropriate sources and techniques, reading critically and presenting the results of critical reflection in oral and written form
- Give expression to the creative process
- Function with native-level proficiency in English, a high level of proficiency in French and a degree of independence in Spanish, supported by an understanding of grammatical structure and phonetics
- Use appropriate information technology
- Assess decisions with consideration for one's own health and wellbeing and for the effect on others and the environment
A Comprehensive Assessment (C.A.) demonstrating overall attainment of program competencies and the General Education Graduate Profile is required by the College Education Regulations under the General and Vocational Colleges Act and by the College’s Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA).
The Comprehensive Assessment for the ALC Program will be linked to three courses that involve analytical and creative work in the various languages of the program: Pop Fiction, Projet créatif, and Exploring Cultural Diversity. The Comprehensive Assessment will consist of specific oral-based assessments and evaluations along with an essay and a reflection piece in these courses.
For more information on the comprehensive assessment, click here

Your studies can lead to a wide range of careers, such as those below. Be sure to check employer expectations or university pre-requisites, since they vary. St. Lawrence students can see the Guidance Counsellor to discuss these options further.
- Classical and ancient studies
- Communication studies
- Creative writing
- English studies
- Ethnology
- French studies
- Hispanic studies
- International relations
- Journalism and broadcast media
- Linguistics and languages
- Literature
- Professional writing
- Public relations
- Teaching at the elementary or secondary levels
- Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Translation
You must satisfy the college general admission requirements.
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