Final Exams
All students must be available until the end of the semester for the final exam period. Should you plan a trip during the exam period, you run the risk of failing the course.
The Academic Calendar lists the dates for the exam period, as well as the reserve dates to replace a day lost because of uncontrollable circumstances, such as elections or storms. In case of bad weather, please consult the website homepage for instructions.
You may be permitted to write a special exam in exceptional circumstances (e.g. for a schedule conflict with two exams at the same time, a medical note, etc.). Should you have an emergency, immediately call the Academic Affairs Technician or the Admissions Office Technician.
You must ensure that you
- Consult and respect the exam schedule (verifying the date, time, group number and room)
- Bring your college student ID card or other photo ID card
- Bring the material authorized by the teacher on the exam sheet (which you should ask about before the last class)
- Present yourself at the exam room 10 minutes before the scheduled time
- Follow the established rules, the instructions on the exam sheet and the exam proctor's instructions
- Stay in the exam room for at least 60 minutes after the exam has begun
Cheating, plagiarism or unexcused absence will result in a grade of zero for final exams. See the Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) for more details. In addition, it is forbidden to have the following in the exam room:
- An MP3 player, IPod or any other musical player
- A cellular phone
- A pager
- A calculator unless it is otherwise mentioned on the exam sheet
Students using such devices will be expelled from the exam room and the exam given an automatic zero.