There are two types of transcripts: official transcripts and student copies. Official transcripts are sent directly by one institution to another or to an employer. There is a charge of $20 charge per copy. Student copies for yourself can be sent to your home address and the charge is $10 per copy.
Official Transcripts must be requested by letter or by filling out the following form and returning it to us along with your payment: Request for Do
cuments Form
If you make your request by letter, you should include your
- Complete name and address where the transcript is to be sent
- Current contact information
- Student number here and/or your date of birth
- Signature
- Payment
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Admissions Office
CEGEP Champlain – St. Lawrence
790 Nérée-Tremblay
Québec, QC
Canada G1V 4K2
Tel.: (418) 656-6921 ext. 210
E-mail: bettya@crcmail.net Payments may be made by check or money-order (payable to Champlain Regional College) or by debit card or credit card if you come to the campus during office hours.