Taking the SAT

Taking the SAT
Students planning to go study in the States may be required to complete one of two aptitude tests, the SAT or the ACT. Students must follow the registration deadlines for international students.
CEGEP Champlain-St. Lawrence is no longer an authorized SAT test center. You can view other test centers through the College Board Website.
Students wishing to take the SAT will have to plan to take the test in another location. Click here to view the calendar.
Regardless of where you take the test, you must register online at http://sat.collegeboard.org and pay your testing fees to the College Board.
If you cannot find or do not have a high school code (post-secondary), you may enter the following number: 000004
To verify registration deadlines, click on the following link:http://sat.collegeboard.org/register/sat-international-dates
If you missed the regular deadline to register, you can request Waitlist Status. Important Notice: Standby test taking is no longer permitted. The following link will give you additional information about the Waitlist Status:http://sat.collegeboard.org/register/waitlist-status
Other online resources for SAT preparation: https://www.discoverbusiness.us/resources/sat/
Universities are sometimes test optional. You must check this information directly on your future university website. They also accept ACT.
For additional information and help on understanding the US application process, Education USA Canada offers help and guidance (resources are free): https://www.educationusacanada.ca/