About Our Activities

Get involved!
At St. Lawrence, STUDENT is the center of our priorities. This is why we believe that being involved in our different activities will develop a sense of blossoming, cooperation and autonomy for our students.
We offer a wide variety of socio-cultural and athletic activities. To participate, create a new activity or club or just to get more info on what we have to offer, send a MIO to Samuel Dufour, Recreational Activities Technician, or drop by the student activities office. It will be a pleasure to meet you.
Here's a list of what we offer at St.Lawrence
- Activité en français - RIASQ
- Bloom Communications
- ECO St. Lo
- Entrepreneurship Club (SLEC)
- eSports SLC
- Fashion Show
- Geeks and Gamers
- Health and Wellness Club
- Hema Quebec Blood Drive
- Improvisation Team (FIT)
- Intercultural Club
- KickStart SLC
- LGBTQ + Club
- Multimedia and Photography Club
- Politics and Science Debate Club
- Radio SLC
- SLC United - Humanitarian Trip
- St. Lawrence Student Association (SLCSA)
- Theatre Troup
- The Lions Log - School Newspaper
- What the Heck Music Band