About the SLC Governing Board

SLC Governing Board Members


Edward Berryman Director of the Constituent College and Director of Studies
Lisa Birch Faculty Representative
Jean-François Champoux Government Appointee, Conseil régional des partenaires du marché du travail de la Capitale
Maurice Dusseault Government Appointee, Socio-Economic sector 
Dante Fava Parent Representative
Nathalie Gagné Professional Representative
Bénédicte Glorieux Student Representative
Vincent Harvey Student Representative
Marie-Pierre Lamarche Government Appointee, School Boards sector
Sehl Mellouli Government Appointee, University sector
Charles Nadeau Support Staff Representative
France Séguin Faculty Representative
Lisa Shortt Parent Representative and Vice Board Chair
Mathieu Vignault Government Appointee, Socio-Economic sector and Board Chair


Governing Board meetings are open to the public. If you are a member of the public and would like to connect to a meeting held by video-conference, contact TBD for meeting connection information.

Calendars, Agendas, and Minutes





  • Minutes to come
