Adapted Services

Adapted Services
Accommodations are determined according to your particular needs and the capacity of the college to provide particular measures.
The purpose of adapted services is to help palliate the impacts of your limitation, disability or condition associated with your diagnosis, namely, by putting the right accommodation(s) into place (example: extra time for exams, specialized software, adapted room, etc.) and by supporting you in the development of strategies.
How do I apply to receive services?
If you are asking for adapted services for the first time at St. Lawrence, you must, first and foremost, submit your diagnostic paperwork by MIO to keyword, ‘adapted services’. This is a paper or an evaluation done by a qualified health care professional (ex: family doctor, neuro-psychologist, psychiatrist, speech language pathologist, etc) that indicates your diagnosis (such as the ones listed above). This paperwork is necessary for a file to be open in adapted services. You may send in your high school IEP as well, but it cannot replace the diagnostic paper.
Once this is received, a member of the adapted services team will contact you through MIO to set up an appointment to do an assessment of your accommodation needs with you. Please note that there may be delays in getting an appointment, especially at the beginning of each semester. Send in your paperwork as soon as possible!
Please note that adaptations are not transferred from high school to CEGEP as the system is different, hence the need for an assessment from the CEGEP's adapted services counselor.
Let us know if you have any questions- We're here to help!
The adapted services team
What accommodations can you get?
The purpose of Adapted Services is to provide for students that have special needs, accommodations and support in order to foster their integration and success in learning.
To learn more about the SLC Adapted Services, click here