Health and Wellness Club
Health and Wellness Club
The Health and Wellness Club
The purpose of the Health and Wellness Club is to educate and bring awareness to our campus and community about various health issues affecting St. Lawrence students, our city, province and world. We hope to impress upon our campus and community the importance of overall wellness pertaining to the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the individual.
Are you interested in:
- Health topics concerning St. Lawrence students and community members?
- Physical, mental and spiritual health?
- Educating and bringing awareness to important causes?
- Affecting change on campus?
- Developing leadership skills?
- Health and wellness?
To be a member of the Health and Wellness Club, you must:
- Be a registered St. Lawrence student
- Be in agreement with the club’s purpose
- Be willing to promote wellness on the campus and help with club events
For more information
See Students Services in office 272 during office hours.