Scholarships and Bursaries

If you scroll down, you will find a list of scholarships from outside organizations as well as a list of entrance scholarships or bursaries for Quebec Universities. You must contact them directly if there is no updated information. 

Information on the Québec Loans and Bursaries Program is also included in this section. 

The following links below allow you to search scholarships in Canada that may not be publicized in school. Some sites allow you to receive reminders when deadlines are approaching. 

The Debtless Student 

General Search Tools Student Awards (yconic)

Click on the link from Scholarships Canada for tips on how to prepare applications and useful advice if you are trying to determine whether or not you should apply.

Tips - Scholarships Canada 

Scholarships 101




General List of Bursaries and Scholarships

For students who completed high school in English and who plan on pursuing studies at the post-secondary level in French. 

To view list of participating institutions and for more information on the scholarship ($3,000) visit the following website:

These bursaries are funded by the provincial government and allow students who complete studies in a designated field to receive funds every semester (see maximum number of semesters). View the list of eligible programs. Students apply once they are at the institution where the program is given. 

Building Brighter Futures - Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards

Support for First Nation, Inuit, and Métis students

Full and part time studies in college, university, skilled trades, apprenticeships, and technology programs.

Deadlines: August 1, November 1, February 1 at 11:59 p.m. EST

CEGEP Scholarships - Fondation CPA 

Applicants must meet the following conditions when they submit their application:

  • be enrolled in the last year of a CEGEP program that qualifies for university studies in business or accounting;
  • plan to apply to one of the undergraduate accounting programs recognized by the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec (the Order);
  • pursue the objective of becoming a chartered professional accountant;
  • have been involved as a volunteer in social and extracurricular activities since admission to university;
  • fill out the scholarship application form online and provide their application file by mail to the Foundation by the deadline;
  • state that they have never received a CEGEP scholarship from the Foundation of Quebec CPAs;
  • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.


Dr. Guthrie Memorial Scholarship


This one-year $3,000 scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student entering the first year of a university program in health studies. (Dr. of Medicine or Bachelor of Nursing Science). The successful applicant must show financial need and high academic achievement. 

Deadline: Exact date may vary -mid-April 

Application form is made available during the winter semester. Check the Career Counselling  Omnivox Community to view postings about scholarships. 

For more information, contact Nicole Anne Daigle, Guidance Counsellor.

Scholarships - Desjardins Foundation

Desjardins Foundation offers scholarships to all post-secondary students in all disciplines. They consider academic perseverance, financial need, community involvement and academic success. 



The Glenn Gavin Scholarships for Language and Culture

Glenn Gavin has generously created a fund for students who wish to pursue further studies in the fields of language and culture. This year two scholarships each worth $1,500 will be awarded. For information on how to apply, follow this link.

Deadline for 2024: May 3rd before midnight. 


Girl Guides of Canada

Whether enrolling in college, university or a trades program for the first time or heading back to school part-time as a mature student, the Girl Guides of Canada national scholarship program supports girl and adult Members in their post-secondary education. With more than 25 awards ranging from $1,000 for our Scholarship for Part-time Studies to $2,000 for our other scholarships, this Membership benefit supports our Members as they take the next step in challenging themselves.


Health and Social Services Community Leadership Bursaries 

Bursaries provides financial support to community‐involved students from selected Quebec regions with English and French language skills pursuing full‐time studies in the area of health and social services in a government recognized educational institution. Students entering vocational, technical or university programs are eligible to apply. The bursary program also focuses on students who have demonstrated a commitment to, and involvement in, their community with the intent of encouraging them to return to (or stay in) their region to work and serve their communities after completing their studies. 

This year, the application deadline is May 24, 2023


Scholarships for Canadian Students - Horatio Alger Association 

Deadline: Canadian Scholarships open in December

The Horatio Alger Association of Canada provides $650,000 annually in need-based scholarship support for deserving students in all Canadian provinces and territories. Scholarships of up to $10,000 are awarded to full-time students in their terminal year of high school with financial need (family income under $65,000) who have demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, a commitment to pursue a post-secondary education, a desire to contribute to society, and a good academic record. CEGEP applicants must be in first year to apply. 

Inspiring Girls Expedition


Inspiring Girls Expeditions are not rewards for past academic achievement; they inspire future leadership, curiosity, confidence, and success.

Most expeditions are open to girls all over the world and don't require any specific skills, just a willingness to learn and explore and to do some physical tasks. Some programs have exceptions so please read over the expedition page and the FAQ section before applying.


The application process typically opens in mid-December and closes in early February of each year. 



Becoming a Loran Scholar 

The Loran Award is valued at $100,000 over four years, including mentorship, funding for summer internships and participation in an extensive network of past and present scholars. 

Eligibility Criteria for CEGEP Students

  • Be in your final year of uninterrupted full-time studies in CEGEP. If you are planning to attend university outside of Québec after only one year of CEGEP, you can apply in your first year of CEGEP.
  • Present an R score equal to or higher than 29.
  • Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.
  • Be at least 16 years of age by September 1st of the following year.



Lea Roback Foundation Scholarships

The Lea Roback Foundation seeks to promote education as a means for the self-realization and emancipation of everyone and to financially support women who wish to further their education. 

General scholarships range from $1,000 to $3,500; while the Madeleine-Parent and Hélène-Pedneault scholarships are $2,000 each, and at times, the latter can be awarded in conjunction with a general scholarship.

People who are eligible: Women, who live in the Province of Quebec, who have financial needs and who are socially committed. 

Deadline in 2022 was in April. 



Deadline for Canadian students:

Selection process for Canadian students

Canadian schools (including CEGEPS) can nominate up to three students; however, students who are not nominated, may also apply (direct pool). 

The Morehead-Cain is a four-year merit scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It promises:

Support for your life at Carolina

full tuition
student fees
books and a laptop
supplies and miscellaneous
Discovery Funds to be used for education opportunities
Support for your life across the world

A four-year Summer Enrichment Program made up of diverse, customized experiences that begin the summer before freshman year and include:
Outdoor Leadership
Public Service
Inquiry and Exploration
Private Enterprise



The Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne offers scholarships to Anglophone students who plan on enrolling in a French-language post-secondary institution. See list of participating institutions and details about the scholarship on the following page:

Young Woman Bursary - Quebec City Women's Club

Up to $4,000

Application Deadline

September 24, 2024

Application form available on Omnivox Guidance Counselling Community

The Quebec City Women’s Club is a group of women who understand that to be educated is not only a form of development, but also the means to bring leadership and creativity to one’s domain in contemporary society.  The club provides financial support to outstanding women from the greater Quebec City region, who communicate comfortably in English, to pursue their education. 



Various scholarships available to Canadian students. Click on link above to view details and deadlines for each award. 

Sarah Gaulin Memorial Scholarship

The Sarah Gaulin Memorial Scholarship was established in honour of Sarah Gaulin, who died at age 26 after a longtime battle with mental illness. Along with her passion for Paralympic sport, Sarah actively pursued a career in the healthcare field.
Notwithstanding her health issues, Sarah persevered and continued to attend and excel in her educational field of choice. Although she battled with mental illness, she never gave up on education and her dream of one day helping others.
The scholarship seeks to support and encourage the resilience of individuals with mental illness pursuing post-secondary education, which Sarah believed strongly in.


All supporting document must be postmarked or emailed by the deadline (April 1 at 11:59 Eastern Time). Late supporting documentation will not be accepted.

Scouts Canada Foundation


Candidates will be selected based upon the following criteria: demonstrated Scouting history, involvement and achievement; leadership contributions to Scouting; community, leadership and contributions outside of Scouting; scholastic, achievements up to the time of application; attitude and aptitude; two letters of reference (only one from within Scouting).


The Mensa Canada Scholarship Programme

The Mensa Canada Scholarship Programme invites applicants to write a short essay in which they detail their career plan, list their accomplishments to date and describe what they plan to do order to achieve their future career goals.



This one year $3,000 scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student entering the first year of a university program in Business studies. The successful applicant must show high academic achievement. Consideration will also be given to initiative and participation in extra-curricular activities (example: sports, community services, paid employment, leisure interests, etc.).


The Application form is made available in January on the Career Counselling Services' intranet community (all students currently registered should have access to this community). 

Deadline usually in April. 

For more information, contact Nicole Anne Daigle, Guidance Counsellor.

The Quebec City English-speaking Community Foundation

The Quebec City English-Speaking Community Foundation bursary programme has been created to assist students in financial need and who have requested other sources of financial assistance. The Education Committee prioritizes bursary applications that align with our foundation's mission to help students from the Greater Québec City Area (Capitale Nationale & Chaudière-Appalaches). 

Bursaries may be awarded for trade schools, CÉGEP, and university programmes (including undergraduate, master’s and doctoral studies). The maximum amounts awarded annually are $2,000 for trade school studies, $2,000 for CÉGEP studies, and $4,000 for university studies. Bursary amounts are determined based on the demonstrated financial needs of the applicant.

Who can apply?

The bursary programme is available only to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. International students are not eligible to apply. Students living and attending school outside the Capitale Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches region will not be eligible for a bursary. However, students from outside the Quebec City and Chaudière-Appalaches region attending a school within the Greater Quebec City region may be eligible to apply.

How to apply:
Application forms are available at the Quebec City English-Speaking Community Foundation office and from the Guidance Departments of Quebec High School, St. Patrick’s High School, the Eastern Quebec Learning Centre, Dollard des Ormeaux School, and the St. Lawrence Campus of Champlain Regional College.

Scholarships of the Future

Fondation de l'Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec

The Foundation is committed to supporting promising students to become engineers. We recognize it takes a combination of both hard work and educational funding for most students to achieve their goals. The scholarships Program’s purpose is to encourage students to pursue engineering studies at a university, to recognize their achievements, their leadership potential and their social commitment.

You must create your portal online to view scholarships and check eligibility requirements ($3,000)

Deadline in November






TD Canadian Scholarships

Twenty TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are awarded to students in their last year of high school (outside Quebec) or CEGEP (in Quebec) who have demonstrated leadership in improving their community. Each scholarship has a value of up to $70,000 and includes:

  • Up to $10,000 for tuition per year (for up to a maximum of four years)
  • $7,500 a year for living expenses (for up to a maximum of four years)

TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are open to students across Canada who:

  • Have demonstrated community leadership
  • Are in the final year of high school (outside Quebec) or CEGEP (in Quebec)
  • Have a minimum overall grade average of 75% (outside Quebec), or a minimum R score of 26 (in Quebec), in their most recently completed school year

Applications for students starting college or university in September 2024 are open. Deadline is November 15, 2023. 

Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards

Terry Fox Humanitarian Award recipients are selected for their dedication to the humanitarian ideals of Terry Fox, their volunteer experience, their courage in overcoming obstacles, their participation in sport, fitness and community service and their academic standing. 

All applications must be submitted in full, including the three referee forms and unofficial transcript no later than December 1st (11:59 p.m.). 

  • To be considered for the Award, applicants must meet be:

    • In good academic standing.
    • Canadian citizens or landed immigrants.
    • Students graduating from secondary (high) school or students completing their first year of CÉGEP or students who have completed secondary (high) school
    • Involved in voluntary humanitarian activities (for which they have not been compensated).
    • Planning to or are already studying towards their first university degree or diploma at a Canadian post-secondary institution, or entering their 2nd year of CÉGEP in the upcoming academic year.

    Terry Fox Award Recipients are eligible to receive the Award until they graduate with their first university degree or diploma (for a maximum of four years), provided they maintain satisfactory academic standing and a standard of humanitarian work and personal conduct which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, justifies the award.

    The maximum value of the award is $28,000, dispersed over four (4) years. A stipend of $7,000 is issued directly to the institution each year in two installments of $3,500, one in September and one in January. For students who do not pay tuition fees, the award is $3,500 per year, issued directly to the institution in two installments of $1,750 each.

    Recipients of the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award may not receive more than $15,000 in total scholarships annually (including the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award). If a student’s awards exceed this amount, any excess will be deducted from the student’s Terry Fox Award.

    If a student’s academic expenses are covered by another source, they may choose to decline acceptance of the financial portion of the award. They will still be granted the distinction of being a Terry Fox Scholar.

  • Deadline, December 1, 2023.


Awards and Bursaries Universities in Québec

Entrance scholarships:

Visit your future university’s website. See list of universities below for specific links. Universities may have entrance scholarships for students entering university for the first time. Some universities will only consider fall applicants for entrance scholarships. This information should be online, but it is possible to contact them directly if you have specific questions. 

Some scholarships are automatically awarded based on your grades. Even if you are automatically considered, some universities may require that you apply by a specific deadline. 

They may also offer scholarships or bursaries that have specific application forms to complete. Bursaries usually consider financial need. If you are unsure about the grade requirements (i.e. good academic standing), ask. Not all scholarships are for students with extremely high grades. When other factors are considered, such as financial need, leadership, or community involvement, they may consider a wider range of grades or define academic success differently. 



List of scholarships for Québec Universities

Québec Government Loans and Bursaries Program

The purpose of the program is to enable individuals with insufficient financial resources to pursue their studies by providing financial assistance. Students do, however, retain primary responsibility for the cost of their education.

For government loans and bursaries, you may apply directly online. When applying, you must enter our school code (936002) and program codes. View correct program codes online. We have in-house codes that do not match the government program codes. You can also download a guide for information on how to apply. 

Applying online is strongly recommended to avoid unnecessary delays. 

Another interesting tool to know about is the online assessment tool.  


If you need help, please contact Joanne Gosselin, administration technician (finances). 



All the information is available online.  If you are submitting your first or subsequent application, this page explains how you apply:


For government loans and bursaries, you may apply directly online. When applying, you must enter our school code (936002) and program codes. View correct program codes online (go to eligibility requirements). We have in-house codes that do not match the government program codes.