Credit for Courses Taken Elsewhere
Courses taken at another CEGEP as a commandite
Students wishing to take a course at another CEGEP must receive a "commanding" (sponsorship) form beforehand from the Academic Advisor. The Academic Advisor will check whether the course is eligible for your program and whether it will be approved by the Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs. St. Lawrence only gives these "commandites" under exceptional circumstances, such as the following:
- The course required by the student is not offered at the college
- The course required for graduation conflicts with one or more other courses taken at St. Lawrence
- Serious personal reasons
Courses taken at another institution other than a CEGEP as an equivalence
Students wishing to obtain an equivalence (EQ) for a course taken at a post-secondary institution other than a CEGEP must meet with the Academic Advisor. An equivalence gives you the credits for a course within the normal number of credits required for your program. Credit is not automatically given. A course description (indicating the precise number of class hours involved) and an official transcript are required. Bring these documents, along with a completed Request for Equivalency Form to the Academic Advisor. The Academic Advisor will check whether the course is eligible with the Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs in collaboration with the appropriate Department Coordinator. There is a $25 fee per course.
Other situations: substitutions and exemptions
In addition to showing any equivalences (EQ), student transcripts may sometimes indicate that courses have been substituted (SU) or exempted (DI). A substitution indicates that one CEGEP course has replaced another (possibly because the course has been taken on commandite, as explained above, or due to a change in programs or CEGEPs with similar courses). An exemption indicates that the credits in a student's program have been reduced due to a course that is impossible for the student to take, normally due to a permanent medical situation. Further details about substitutions and exemptions are available in the Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) or through the Academic Advisor.