Admissions for Regular Day Programs

Admissions for regular day programs

The application system is now closed for applications to study with us in Fall 2025.



Thank you for considering Champlain – St. Lawrence in Quebec City for your college studies! St. Lawrence is a public CEGEP, with fees comparable to other CEGEPs in the Quebec City region, but offering the opportunity of studying in English.

Our admissions are processed directly at St. Lawrence as we are not a member of the Service régional d'admission au collégial de Québec (SRACQ). You must apply directly to St. Lawrence. This allows you to apply to St. Lawrence and another CEGEP before making your final decision.

St. Lawrence also offers specific services to aid in smoothing your transition from High school to CEGEP and from English to French 

  • We provide you with the possibility to have a reduced course load over more semesters
  • We can direct you to complementary courses that help you explore your options
  • We can arrange for you to attend helpful workshops during your semester.


If you are accepted to the college and are interested in these types of services, you can contact our Academic Advisor.

We also offer a growing number of programs and courses through Continuing Education.




Your choices

We have a variety of regular-day programs leading to a Diploma of College Studies (DEC). More information is available by clicking on the program that interests you or by consulting our Viewbook.

Consult our Viewbook

Pre-University Programs (Two Years):

Pre-University Programs (Three Years):

Career Programs (Three Years):

In addition to these programs, St. Lawrence offers a semester-long transition to college studies, for students who need more time to prepare before entering a regular DEC program:


Starting in Fall 2024, there will be three parallel course sequences for each program and profile.

If you are eligible to attend English school under the Charter of the French language and are in possession of a certificate granted by the Ministry of Education, you are considered a Certificate Holder. Your course sequence will then be determined by your results in the high school French course (1-2 or 3-4). For more information about Certificates, please consult the Ministry of Education’s website.

If you are not eligible, you must follow the course sequence that prepares students for l'Épreuve uniforme de français (EUF - French minesterial language evalution).


For a brief overview of the changes to course sequences following Law 14, consult this document.

Full course sequences will be published in the coming days.

Your Next Steps: Complete 1 , 2 and 3

There are three steps to apply for one of our regular day programs.


1. Complete the Online Application Form and pay the application fees before the following deadlines:

  • March 1 for the Fall semester beginning in August (our application system is open from mid-January to March 1)
  • November 1 for the Winter semester beginning in January (our application system is open from mid-September to November 1)

Application fees must be paid online by credit card via the application system in order to complete the application.

Late applications will only be considered after we have processed all applications received on time, and then only if spaces are still available. Offers of admission are normally sent in early April for the Fall semester and early December for the Winter semester.


2. Required documents 

Required documents will be indicated at the end of the application process and must be uploaded via the application system. 

The required documents and payment will depend on your situation. Please review your situation in the Documents Payment section below.  


3. Complete the English Level Assessment Test if you are graduating from a French high school.

Applicants who are required to write our English Level Assessment Test will be sent an e-mail within 2 weeks of the application deadline with the details pertaining to the online English Level Assessment Test.  The one-hour test allows us to ensure you are ready for college studies in English.


For additional information, please contact Admissions Office


Student Policy on Admission


Documents and Payment

Unless we request otherwise, you should upload the following:

  1. Your latest available high school Secondary IV and V results
  2. Your latest provincial results from the Ministry (Achievement Record/Relevé des apprentissages)
  3. Your birth certificate with parents' names
  4. For students born in another province, please include a valid Québec Health Insurance card for one of your parents
  5. For students born in another country that now hold Canadian citizenship or permanent residency, a valid Québec Health Insurance card from one of your parents and a copy of both sides of your Canadian Citizenship Certificate.



  • $30 Application Fee (non-refundable)
  • $35 English Level Assessment (If you come from an English educational institution in Quebec, you will not be asked to write the English Assessment and any excess fee paid regarding this assessment will be refunded or credited to your semester fee should you be accepted)

Unless we request otherwise, you should upload the following:

  1. Your final high school Secondary IV and V results
  2. Your final provincial results from the Ministry (Achievement Record/Relevé des apprentissages)
  3. Your CEGEP transcript (Bulletin d’études collégiales) and a list of any CEGEP courses you are currently taking, if applicable
  4. Your birth certificate with parents' names
  5. For students born in another province, please include a valid Québec Health Insurance card from one of your parents
  6. For students born in another country and hold Canadian citizenship or permanent residency, a valid Québec Health Insurance card from one of your parents and a copy of both sides of your Canadian Citizenship Certificate.



  • $30 Application Fee (non-refundable)
  • $35 English Level Assessment (If you come from an English educational institution in Quebec, you will not be asked to write the English Assessment and any excess fee paid regarding this assessment will be refunded or credited to your semester fee should you be accepted)

If you are from a high school in a province other than Québec and you are in good academic standing with all the required program pre-requisites, you can apply to St. Lawrence. You must have completed or be in the process of completing one of the following:

  1. Alberta Grade 11 (67-100 credits)
  2. British Columbia Grade 11
  3. Manitoba Grade 11 (minimum 13 credits)
  4. New Brunswick Grade 11 (minimum 12 credits)
  5. Newfoundland Grade 11 (minimum 24 credits)
  6. Nova Scotia Grade 11 (minimum 12 credits)
  7. Ontario Secondary School Diploma Grade 11 (minimum 22 credits)
  8. Prince Edward Island Grade 11 (minimum 12 credits)
  9. Saskatchewan Grade 11 (minimum 16 credits)

Unless we request otherwise, you should upload and send originals of the following:

  1. A mid-term report of courses in progress (if applicable)
  2. An official transcript with your final high school results or the grades from the previous year (depending on your situation)
  3. A copy of your birth certificate with parents' names (please do not send originals)
  4. For students born in another country and who are now Canadian citizens or permanent residents, please include a copy of both sides of your Canadian Citizenship Certificate


Application Fees:

  • $30 Application Fee (non-refundable)
  • $35 English Level Assessment (If you come from an English educational institution in Quebec, you will not be asked to write the English Assessment and any excess fee paid regarding this assessment will be refunded or credited to your semester fee should you be accepted)
  • $75 Transcript Evaluation Fee (non-refundable) to have your academic background evaluated (but cheques or money orders should still be made payable to Champlain Regional College)


Prior to the start of the semester, please note that Canadian students who are not deemed to be residents of Québec will be required to pay additional fees of $1,684 per semester under Québec law (subject to change without notice).

If you are from a high school outside of Canada, you can apply to St. Lawrence if you are in good academic standing and have the required program pre-requisites.

Unless we request otherwise, you should upload and send originals of the following:

  1. A mid-term report of courses in progress (if applicable)
  2. An official transcript with your final high school results or the grades from the previous year (depending on your situation)
  3. A copy of your birth certificate with parents' names (please do not send originals)
  4. Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (C.A.Q.) or a Certificat de sélection du Québec (C.S.Q.), which must be obtained from the Ministère de l’immigration de la diversité et de l’inclusion of the Province of Québec by the beginning of the semester.
  5. A Study Permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and, if applicable, a Student Visa from the Government of Canada (or other legal immigration documents) valid for the entire academic year for which you are applying. These documents must be available by the beginning of the semester.



  • $30 Application Fee (non-refundable)
  • $35 English Level Assessment (If you come from an English educational institution in Quebec, you will not be asked to write the English Assessment and any excess fee paid regarding this assessment will be refunded or credited to your semester fee should you be accepted)
  • $75 Transcript Evaluation Fee (non-refundable) to have your academic background evaluated (but cheques or money orders should still be made payable to Champlain Regional College)

Prior to the start of the semester, please note that foreign students must provide proof of enrollment in a comprehensive health and accident insurance plan, and will also be required to pay additional fees per semester under Québec law (see detailed fees at


Contact Betty Ableson at the Admissions Office, (418) 656-6921, extension 4232, or

For Day Divison only
As per changes to the Quebec Charter of Language, applicants must demonstrate that they have the minimum level of French in order to successfully complete French courses and succeed the French Exit Exam (Épreuve Uniforme de Français).

Therefore, applicants who are not covered by an exemption must demonstrate a sufficient level in reading and writing French by obtaining at least the following level in one of these tests:





Global result


450 points




450 points

450 points



10 points

10 points



10 points

10 points

C1 or C2


3.5 points

3.5 points


*TCF and TEF tests are accepted, except the TEF Express

** To take a Bright Language French WS test for St. Lawrence you need to register : Please note that you need to take the Writing Solutions Test

The test must have been written within the last 2 years to be valid. Please note that the written section refers to the written expression module of each test. The written comprehension results alone are not sufficient for the admission process.

The following applicants are exempted from the above obligation:

  1. Certificate holders (ayant droit)
  2. Applicants who studied in a Quebec high school for the last 3 years
  3. Applicants who studied in a French-language high school in Canada for the last 3 years
  4. Applicants who studied in France, Belgium or Monaco in French for the last 3 years