General Education Courses
603-101-MQIntroduction to College English
Hours: 60
Weighting: 2-2-4
This course will provide the student with the opportunity to make an intensive analysis of short fiction in order to see how it functions as a means of commenting upon human behavior and experience. Specifically, the student will examine such basic concepts of fiction as plot, character, setting, tone, atmosphere, point-of-view and theme. The student will be expected to produce written work and to take part in class discussion. To this end, students should learn to recognize the appropriate use of words, correct syntactical usage, and the coherent development of ideas; students should further learn to develop their own ideas into arguments and theses, to organize them and to edit the final copy.
First Required French Course
Weighting: Depends on the level (see each level below)
Your Sec. IV written French mark will determine into which level you will be placed.
Fall semester
602-100-MQFrançais de base
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
Ce cours élémentaire de français s'adresse aux élèves qui n'ont aucune connaissance du français. Il a pour but d'aider l'élève à acquérir et à appliquer les notions de base de la communication orale et écrite en français courant. On y fait de la grammaire, du vocabulaire, de la conversation, des laboratoires de langue, de la lecture et de l'écriture.
602-101-MQLangue française et communication
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
Ce cours permettra à l'élève rendu à ce niveau d'apprendre à communiquer en français avec une certaine aisance. Plus particulièrement, le cours vise l'acquisition d'habiletés de production (parler et écrire) et d'habiletés de compréhension (écouter et lire) par le biais d'activités de communication orales et écrites.
602-102-MQLangue française et culture
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant de comprendre les composantes essentielles d'oeuvres littéraires appartenant à différents genres (narratif, dramatique et poétique). L'étudiant développera, de façon plus particulière, ses capacités d'analyse et de rédaction, et acquerra les connaissances nécessaires pour produire une bonne analyse littéraire. Chaque oeuvre étudiée en classe permettra à l'étudiant de saisir l'importance des caractéristiques formelles, d'valuer leurs impacts sur le sens de l'oeuvre et d'en rendre compte dans un texte d'analyse d'environ 450 mots. De plus, une révision de certaines difficultés de la grammaire française amènera l'étudiant à mieux maîtriser la langue dans ses analyses.
602-103-MQCulture française et littérature
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant de traiter d'un sujet culturel ou littéraire en se servant d'ouvrages littéraires et de référence. L'étudiant développera plus particulièrement ses capacités générales d'analyse textuelle et de rédaction et devra en rendre compte dans une analyse complète de 550 mots.
602-900-LWLittérature d'expression française
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant de s'initier au vaste corpus de la littérature d'expression française du XXème siècle. Plus particulièrement, il sera amené à découvrir l'univers de grands écrivains de la littérature produite en France et au Québec et sera appelé à situer plusieurs oeuvres dans leur contexte socio-historique et culturel afin de réfléchir aux thèmes développés par les auteurs. De plus, l'étudiant acquerra des connaissances sur les mouvements littéraires auxquels correspondent les oeuvres mises à l'étude.
Physical Activity and Effectiveness
Weighting: 0-2-1
The 109-102-MQ course is designed to improve one’s effectiveness when practicing physical activity.
Concentration Courses
201-NYA-05Differential Calculus (200.B0)
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is a study of change from a mathematical view. Topics covered will include limits and continuity; the definition of the derivative of a function of one variable and the rules for differentiation, implicit differentiation, higher order derivatives, differentials and linear approximations, and l'Hospital's rule. Applications involve curve sketching, maxima and minima, and interpretations of rates of change.
202-NYA-05General Chemistry
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course forms the basis for all studies in chemistry. It includes the following topics: atomic and electronic structure, the periodic table, chemical nomenclature and equations, stoichiometry, ionic and covalent bonding, molecular geometry, intermolecular forces, kinetic-molecular theory, gas laws, the solid and liquid states and phase changes, and an introduction to some descriptive chemistry.
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This is the first course that students must take in physics and, as such, it is a prerequisite to understanding other branches of physics. Students will learn how to describe the motion of objects and the fundamental laws and principles of physics that govern motions. Course content includes: vectors, translational and rotational kinematics, Newton's Laws, translational and rotational dynamics, energy, momentum and the conservation laws.
General Education Courses
603-103-MQLiterary Themes in Poetry
Hours: 60
Weighting: 2-2-3
In this course, the student will critically examine literary themes such as: love, nature, war, death, the creative artistic process, the divine. The student will analyze these themes as found in the literary form of poetry, and will therefore also be expected to be familiar with such concepts as rhyme, rhythm and figurative language in its various forms. Besides being able to recognize the literary theme in a poem, the student will see it in its cultural context and as a comment on human values and experience.
Second Required French Course
Weighting: 3-0-3
The level you take will be based on the level of your first French course.
Winter semester
602-BNR-LWFondements de la communication française
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant d'apprendre à distinguer les caractéristiques formelles des principaux types de textes liés à son champ d'études pour arriver à les commenter. De plus, l'étudiant développera ses compétences afin de rédiger des textes liés à son champ d'études en respectant la structure adéquate de même que le code grammatical. À la fin du cours, l'étudiant devra être en mesure de rédiger un texte de 250 mots lié à son champ d'étude.
602-BNS-LWLangue française et réalité
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours aidera l'étudiant à communiquer en français avec plus d'aisance. À la fin du cours, l'élève devra pouvoir comprendre un texte écrit de 1000 mots et rédiger un texte de 350 mots à l'aide d'une grammaire, d'un dictionnaire et d'un répertoire de verbes.
602-BNT-LWExpression française informative & démonstrative
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours aidera l'étudient à communiquer en français avec aisance dans son champ d'étude particulier autant que possible. Il comprend l'étude des textes d'origines diverses, la rédaction de résumés et la révision de certaines difficultés de la grammaire française.
602-BNU-MQExpression française informative et argumentative
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant d'écrire une dissertation en français sur un sujet relié à son champ d'études autant que possible. L'étudiant développera de façon plus particulière ses capacités d'analyse et de rédaction, et acquerra les connaissances nécessaires pour produire un bon texte informatif, argumentatif et critique de spectacle ainsi qu'une analyse littéraire. À la fin du cours, l'étudiant devra être en mesure de rédiger des textes de 500 à 750 mots portant sur divers sujets culturels, sociaux ou scientifiques.
602-BNV-LWCommunication écrite
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours permettra aux étudiants de transposer les théories liées à l'analyse littéraire vers les discours sociaux qui les entourent, soit les médias et la publicité. De plus, ils devront améliorer leur maîtrise stylistique et syntaxique afin d'atteindre différents objectifs préétablis.
Humanities - Knowledge
Weighting: 3-1-3
Taking a cue from its title, the Knowledge course is about forms of human knowledge. It is about how to distinguish between belief and knowledge in various domains, and about the method or methods by which human beings gain knowledge. Finally, the Knowledge course looks at how various types of knowledge are organized and used in our everyday and social lives.
345-101-2QKnowledge (Lecture)
Hours: 60
Weighting: 3-1-3
Lecture Pedagogy: Knowledge Lecture (L) sections are given by means of lecture pedagogy. The teacher lectures about the course content, using different pedagogical devices such as Power Point presentations, board notes, asking students to do smaller group discussions, and study questions. Sometimes students consider a cultural production (film, play) or are asked to attend a guest lecture. Consonant with the goal of the course, students will learn about rational argument as our general means of gaining knowledge and will put this method into practice throughout the course. Students will thus learn to recognize, analyze, evaluate, and use argument in thinking about, reading and writing about human knowledge. Students will also look at how other methods of obtaining knowledge compare to rational argument. Since the course is about human knowledge, individual sections focus on the varieties of human knowledge into which students are being inducted during their CEGEP studies. Knowledge (L) course content includes knowledge issues in mathematics, science, social sciences and commerce, literature and drama, the fine arts and music. Check course outlines for information about specific course content, readings and course material, in any given semester.
345-101-3QKnowledge (Seminar)
Hours: 60
Weighting: 3-1-3
Seminar Pedagogy: The Knowledge Seminar (S) course distinguishes itself by its seminar pedagogy. Classes consist of round-table discussion seminars in which students are expected to engage with the text under study, and also with other participants in the seminar. The aim is to encourage in students to undertake a critical approach together, to problems of knowledge as they arise in various texts (philosophical, literary, scientific, social scientific, etc.), in order to gain an understanding of, and analyse, problems of knowledge. Knowledge (S) sections take as their subject matter the forms of human knowledge into which students are being inducted during their cégep studies. Discussion topics, as they arise in our texts, might include knowledge issues in mathematics, science, social sciences and commerce, literature and drama, the fine arts and music. Students should look at the course outlines Knowledge (S) courses in any one session for more precise information about course content, readings and material to be studied. In addition, since method itself is a problem of knowledge, the seminar process of argument and discussion engaged in and applied during classes provides yet another subject for participants to reflect upon and discuss.
Physical Activity and Health
Weighting: 1-1-1
The 109-101-MQ course is designed to analyze one’s physical activity from the standpoint of a healthy lifestyle.
Concentration Courses
201-NYB-05Integral Calculus (200.B0)
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course centres upon antiderivatives and their uses, integrals of functions of one variable, the fundamental theorem of calculus and methods of integration. Applications involve areas, volumes of revolution, length of a curve, etc. Improper integrals and sequences, series and power series are also considered.
202-NYB-05Chemistry of Solutions
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is a continuation of General Chemistry and focuses on the properties of the dissolved state, including the characterisation of solutions, colloids, colligative properties, reaction kinetics and mechanisms, homogeneous equilibria, solubility equilibria, acids and bases, buffer systems, and oxidation-reduction reactions and electrochemistry.
203-NYB-05Electricity and Magnetism
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This is the second course that students must take in physics, and it will provide students with a fundamental knowledge of the laws of electromagnetism. Course content includes: electric charge and Coulomb's Law, electric field and Gauss' Law, electric potential, capacitance, electric current, circuits, moving charges and magnetism, the magnetic field, Ampere's Law, Faraday's Law, inductance and Maxwell's Equations.
General Education Courses
603-102-MQLiterary Genres
Hours: 60
Weighting: 2-2-3
This course will allow the student to make an intensive analysis of the literary genre of the drama. The principal general purpose of this analysis is to see how drama functions as a unique means of commenting upon the human situation. Furthermore the student will learn to understand a work's relationship to its literary, cultural and historical contexts and sill explicate a work (or works) representative of the genre.
Humanities - World Views
Weighting: 3-0-3
Whether we are aware of it or not, all of us have internalised, and are guided in our interactions with others by, a perspective on reality – or, a world view. Our world view is influenced by many things – the family and culture in which we are raised, religious beliefs we might be attached to, the literary and cultural productions of our time and place, the general social, political and economic structures of our society, the power of science and the knowledge it has given us, the historical epoch in which we live, the arts and media. The World Views course seeks to enable students to take a critical-humanistic stance to their view(s) of the world; and to show students that the world is viewed in a multitude of ways, which themselves have multiple sources and influences. In being able to gain critical distance, students should come understand what is thought to be important by holders of a world view and why. Students will gain an understanding of the difficulty of claims to truth related to any one world view; and in so doing, will learn to critically examine how a world view is related to its justification. Ultimately, the World Views course seeks to enable students to critically compare world views from a humanistic perspective, to see which views are justified and on what basis. The point is to broaden students’ perspectives on our shared human reality to help them make intelligent and caring choices in their own personal and social lives.
345-102-2QWorld Views Lecture
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The World Views Lecture (L) course distinguishes itself by means of lecture pedagogy. The teacher lectures about the course content, using different pedagogical devices such as Power Point presentations, board notes, asking students to do smaller group discussions, and study questions. Sometimes students consider a cultural production (film, play) or are asked to attend a guest lecture. Consonant with the goal of the course, lectures are focussed upon the examination of several world views, such as: philosophical, familial-cultural and/or literary-cultural, religious, socio-political and/or economic, scientific or historical. Precise course content and texts chosen vary with the section of the course. Students should check the course outlines in any one semester for more precise information on the content, readings, and course material in different sections.
345-102-3QWorld Views Seminar
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The World Views Seminar (S) course distinguishes itself by its seminar pedagogy. Classes consist of round-table discussion seminars in which students will actively engage with the text under study, and also to engage, by means of reasoned discussion, with other participants in the seminar, including the teacher. By means of such reasoned discussion, students will learn to describe and compare selected world views, to explain some of the major ideas, values and implications of these world views, and to organize them into coherent patterns. The aim of seminar pedagogy in the World Views course is to encourage students to undertake a critical-humanistic approach together to differing perspectives on reality. Students should check the course outlines in any one semester for more precise information on the course content, readings and study materials.
345-102-4QWorld Views: History of Art
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
History of Art: The department also offers more specialized World View Lecture courses in the content areas of Art History. In World Views – History of Art, the teacher lectures about the course content, using mainly PowerPoint presentations, but may ask students to engage in smaller group discussions, work on study questions, or apply theoretical knowledge to visual exercises, namely recognizing artists and their underlying world view by relying on Prezi presentations. Other times students could be asked to attend a guest lecture, or visit a museum. Consonant with the goal of the course, lectures are focussed upon the examination of differing world views as incarnated in art. Different aspects of each world view – whether they be philosophical, familial-cultural and/or literary-cultural, religious, socio-political and/or economic, scientific or historical – will be focused on the artistic movement under study or on the centre of interest of the artist. Precise course content and texts chosen vary with the section of the course. Students should check the course outlines in any one semester for more precise information on the content, readings, and course material in different sections.
Physical Activity and Autonomy
Weighting: 1-1-1
The 109-103-MQ course is designed to demonstrate one’s ability to assume responsibility for maintaining a healthy lifestyle through the continued practice of physical activity.
Complementary Course (Choose 1)
Weighting: Depends on course
Complementary courses are those in domains outside of your program. For example, students in the Science Program cannot take science or math courses as complementary courses. However, they may take courses in the Social Sciences, Languages, the Creative Arts and Literature and the Business area.
The courses listed below only serve as complementary courses, and they are never taken as concentration courses in any program. Many other courses can be taken as a complementary course if they are not already part of your program. For example, students who are not in the Social Science Program may take any first-level Social Science course, followed by a second-level course in the same discipline. Students who are not in the P.W. Sims Business Program may take Introduction to Business, followed by Accounting I, Business Law or Marketing. Students who are not in the Arts, Literature and Communication (ALC) Program may take Spanish or German courses. All potential complementary courses will be shown to you when you make your course selection in your Omnivox portal, as long as you have the pre-requisites. If you are unsure about what the pre-requisites for a course are, ask your Academic Advisor.
105-BPE-LWCSI: St. Lawrence
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
CSI: St. Lawrence (Forensics) is designed to accommodate non-science students wishing to learn basic scientific concepts and procedures. This complementary course will permit students to discover the procedures and techniques used in crime scene investigations. Throughout the course students will explore the simple laboratory procedures used to collect and identify criminal evidence. They will learn how to investigate criminal cases, collecting and analyzing the evidence available to solve a crime.
105-BPF-LWThe Science in Science Fiction
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
The Science in Science Fiction is a complementary course designed for students enrolled in programs other than science. The primary objectives of this course are to introduce students to a scientific way of thinking and to help students become more critical of seemingly scientific information. Science fiction movies and one novel will be used to introduce scientific concepts that will be explored in the classroom as well as laboratory settings. Students will learn about the scientific method, genetics, cloning, disease transmission, and global warming and learn to discriminate between the science fact and science fiction in the works such as the following: The Andromeda Strain (novel), Jurassic Park, Outbreak, GATTACA, and The Day After Tomorrow. (Note: The films will be presented during class time.) Due to the intensive nature of the course, students may not miss any classes. Because of the laboratory component, enrollment must be limited to 28 students.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
If you would like to explore the universe beyond our planet Earth, this course is for you. Starting from what is visible at night to the naked eye, we will investigate the motions, properties and evolution of the moon, the planets, the sun, stars, galaxies... We will also learn about the tools used in the exploration of the distant universe: telescopes, spectroscopes, space probes, etc. There will be a lot of slides and DVDs shown in class. You will also have the opportunity to observe celestial objects “live” through a telescope. “Astronomy” is for non-science students. No knowledge of mathematics will be required beyond what you learned in secondary school.
340-BPE-LWArt and Aesthetics: Drawing
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
This course considers various forms of art produced by aesthetic practices, including drawing, painting and sculpture. Students will write two papers (of 300 and 750 words) and a final exam. Students will also give a brief oral presentation as well as create at least four large drawings and a number of small sketches. The philosophical aspect of the course will include discussion of the formal and aesthetic qualities of artwork in order to help the students to consider what art is, what one is creating, and why. Various drawing techniques will be presented and their relation to the perception and observation of visual phenomena such as line, edge, light, shadow and perspective. The importance of interpretation and imagination in works of art will be examined. These elements will be explored in visual presentations that will introduce the art of the Renaissance, Baroque and Modern eras. The manual aspect of the course will occur in the studio where the students will be presented with practical approaches to drawing in various media including pencil, charcoal, conté and ink. With personal instruction from the teacher, each student, while learning about the medium, the qualities of the materials, and the potential of the tools, will create at least four large drawings and a number of smaller sketches. The drawings will be exhibited throughout the semester.
340-BPK-03Art and Aesthetics: Painting
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The objective of the course is to create a work of fine art, a painting. There are two aspects to this process. One is the practical studio work where the student will learn about materials, tools and techniques of painting. The other aspect involves the intellectual consideration and discussion of what art is and what one is creating.
365-BPB-LWCareer Planning: Exploring Your Future
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
This course offers students an opportunity to explore a contemporary issue as it relates to a career of interest, developing a good understanding of both. The course allows students to develop possible educational and career paths and to assess their career development process. The course also allows students to study a contemporary issue related to their career of interest, from the perspective a various disciplines. Issues could be related to globalization, ethics, evolving societal values, political-legal factors, economics, etc.
420-BPE-LWComputers Today
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
The objective of this course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of computer science, computer hardware and popular software and applications used to research and process information. Computer, data and cyber safety issues will be discussed. The student will be introduced to the terminology, concepts and techniques relevant to information technology. The student will review the history of computers, networking, the internet, world wide web, e-commerce and social media as well as the impacts that technology has had on entertainment, work, commerce, research, etc. The student will also discuss the future of computer science and the ramifications now being explored.
420-BPG-LWCommunication and Technology
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
More than ever in the world today, individuals and groups need to communicate ideas and concepts. Electronic communication tools or electronic support to communication are competencies that need to be mastered to properly evolve in today’s work environments. The objective of this course is to provide students with basic knowledge of computer science, computers and popular software used to efficiently research, analyze and communicate their ideas and concepts. The student will be introduced to the terminology, concepts and techniques relevant to information technology, with a focus on Microsoft Office.
603-BPE-LWGothic Literature
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3 (2)
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the gothic genre through a study of its origins in the 18th century and its subsequent evolution through time until today. The students will learn what constitutes the gothic and how this genre has affected other types of art. The various recurrent themes found in gothic fiction will be studied, including the issues of sin, madness, mortality and immortality, family dynamics, the belief in the supernatural, superstition, violence, the significance of fantasy and fear, obsession, and the role of gender, race, class and sexuality.
603-BPF-LWMyth, Fantasy and Science Fiction
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3 (2)
The purpose of this course is to study and understand the mythological origins of works of fantasy, science fiction and art. Students will read myths from cultures across the globe and follow the expression of their cultural development in fantasy, science fiction and art. Recurrent themes relevant to works of myth, fantasy, and science fiction will be studied, including issues such as love, death, beauty, truth, evil, mystery, dream, technology, and fear.
603-BPG-LWJournalism and the New Media
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
This complementary course contributes to several elements of the General Education Exit Profile. The student will demonstrate a college level proficiency in English in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The student will achieve balance and complementarity in relation to the program specific component.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
This course centers upon practical theatre work. A short history of theatre is also undertaken and some plays and sections of plays will be looked at from a literary point of view. The primary work in the course involves theatre workshop activities, individual monologue scenes, group scenes, warm-up exercises, and so forth. Naturally, a great deal of participation from the students is necessary. The final examination is practical (acting out a scene alone or with others) and the greatest part of the course grade is based on class participation.
603-BPV-03Creative Writing
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
In this particular course, the artistic field will be based on creativity through writing narrative prose or poetry or drama. Through the study of works of art and/or through experimenting in an artistic medium, students will develop an aesthetic sensibility. This training also aims to teach students the fundamentals of the language of art, and the skills to make connections between the elements of this language. This course is not intended for students who have problems with the English language.
Concentration Courses
101-NYA-05General Biology I
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
The purpose of this course is to provide an overall survey of living organisms from both an evolutionary and an ecological perspective. We begin by addressing the genetic code, cell reproduction, and the mechanisms governing heredity. From here, we examine the evolutionary processes by which today's life forms have originated through the descent and modification of more ancient forms of life, as well as the underlying genetic mechanisms responsible for this change. We then look at the possible origins of life on earth, and the evolutionary processes that could have led from the first unicellular organisms to the multicellular complexity of our current ecosystems. Finally, we examine some of the ecological principles governing the relationships between organisms and their environments, and address some of the Earth's major environmental problems.
Take 2 of these 3 required concentration courses in the Health Science Profile
202-BNC-05Organic Chemistry I
Hours: 75
Weigjjhting: 3-2-3
Organic Chemistry is the study of the physical and chemical properties of the compounds of carbon that, as a class, constitute the vast majority of chemical compounds. Organic Chemistry I applies and extends general chemical principles seen in general chemistry courses. The organizing axiom of this course is that structure determines function, which is expressed in physical properties and chemical reactivity. After a review of basic concepts of bonding, structure and acid/base theory, a survey of the major organic functional groups will be done, followed by an introduction to organic chemical reactivity. Then the class will explore in depth the structure, nomenclature, physical properties, reactions and syntheses of several families of organic compounds, including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatics and alkyl halides. The concepts of stereoisomerism and optical activity are also introduced. Emphasis will be placed on reaction mechanisms and the physio-chemical principles that underlie functional group behaviour. The laboratory portion of the course includes an introduction to infrared spectrophotometry.
203-NYC-05Waves, Optics and Modern Physics
Hours: 75
Weigjjhting: 3-2-3
This is the third course that students must take in physics, and it will provide students with a fundamental knowledge of the principles of wave motion as they pertain to light and sound. Course content includes: oscillations, simple harmonic motion, mechanical waves, sound, the Doppler effect, light, optics, electromagnetic theory, the concept of a photon and other selected topics of modern physics.
201-NYC-05Linear Algebra and Vector Geometry (200.B0)
Hours: 75
Weigjjhting: 3-2-3
This course is an introduction to linear algebra. Topics include vectors as directed line segments and in component form, linear dependence, basis, vector spaces and subspaces, dot and cross products, n-tuples as vectors, and vector equations of lines in two-space and of lines and planes in three-space, in addition to matrices: matrix arithmetic and inverses, determinants, and linear systems of equations and matrices.
General Education Courses
603-BNR-LWLong Fiction
Hours: 60
Weighting: 2-2-2
In this course, students will study the novel as a means of commenting on the human condition. Furthermore, student will learn how a work is related to its literary, cultural and historical contexts and will explicate works representative of the genre. Thematic approaches appropriate for Science students, ALC students, Business students and Social Science students will be examined. Fiction as a mirror of the world in general and in terms of the students’ pre-university programs of studies will be included.
Humanities - Ethics (Pre-University)
Weighting: 3-0-3
In general, ethics deals with theories of value and issues and policy questions concerning values. Ethics as a subject considers important and wide-reaching questions concerning human thought, human action and interaction, human conduct with other humans, other beings and the world. Some questions concerned are: “What is the nature of ethical value?”; “What are our values based on?”; “Are there any universal, a-historical values?”; “What are different viewpoints concerning ethical issues and value problems?”; and “How can human beings consider these questions and issues rationally”? Because ethics is primarily about values (as opposed to facts), it is studied in the humanities; historically-speaking, it is a major branch of philosophy. In this particular ethics course, students learn “to apply a critical thought process to ethical issues relevant to their field of study.” The ethics course is designed to introduce students to ethical issues and engage them in a reflection on them. The course situates ethical issues in their world views and deals with the kinds of knowledge they involve. Major ideas, values and social implications of various ethical issues are explained and organized into coherent patterns.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The Ethics Lecture (L) sections are distinguished by means of lecture pedagogy. The teacher lectures about the course content, using different pedagogical devices such as PowerPoint presentations, board notes, smaller group discussions, and study questions. Sometimes students consider a cultural production (film, play) or are asked to attend a guest lecture. In keeping with ministerial guidelines, the department offers one more content-specific course. Ethics (L) Business Administration Technology is designed to engage students in reflection on issues related to the present business world.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The Ethics Seminar (S) sections are distinguished by means of seminar pedagogy. Classes are round-table discussion seminars in which students are expected to engage in reasoned discussion with other students and with their teacher. These discussions are focussed upon specific readings which raise different ethical theories, issues, questions and judgments. The method of reasoned discussion in seminar is meant to complement the textual reflections themselves, and to aid students in developing a critical-humanistic approach to the bases for their own ethical view points and judgments.
Complementary Course (Choose 1)
Weighting: Depends on course
Complementary courses are those in domains outside of your program. For example, students in the Science Program cannot take science or math courses as complementary courses. However, they may take courses in the Social Sciences, Languages, the Creative Arts and Literature and the Business area.
The courses listed below only serve as complementary courses, and they are never taken as concentration courses in any program. Many other courses can be taken as a complementary course if they are not already part of your program. For example, students who are not in the Social Science Program may take any first-level Social Science course, followed by a second-level course in the same discipline. Students who are not in the P.W. Sims Business Program may take Introduction to Business, followed by Accounting I, Business Law or Marketing. Students who are not in the Arts, Literature and Communication (ALC) Program may take Spanish or German courses. All potential complementary courses will be shown to you when you make your course selection in your Omnivox portal, as long as you have the pre-requisites. If you are unsure about what the pre-requisites for a course are, ask your Academic Advisor.
105-BPE-LWCSI: St. Lawrence
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
CSI: St. Lawrence (Forensics) is designed to accommodate non-science students wishing to learn basic scientific concepts and procedures. This complementary course will permit students to discover the procedures and techniques used in crime scene investigations. Throughout the course students will explore the simple laboratory procedures used to collect and identify criminal evidence. They will learn how to investigate criminal cases, collecting and analyzing the evidence available to solve a crime.
105-BPF-LWThe Science in Science Fiction
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
The Science in Science Fiction is a complementary course designed for students enrolled in programs other than science. The primary objectives of this course are to introduce students to a scientific way of thinking and to help students become more critical of seemingly scientific information. Science fiction movies and one novel will be used to introduce scientific concepts that will be explored in the classroom as well as laboratory settings. Students will learn about the scientific method, genetics, cloning, disease transmission, and global warming and learn to discriminate between the science fact and science fiction in the works such as the following: The Andromeda Strain (novel), Jurassic Park, Outbreak, GATTACA, and The Day After Tomorrow. (Note: The films will be presented during class time.) Due to the intensive nature of the course, students may not miss any classes. Because of the laboratory component, enrollment must be limited to 28 students.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
If you would like to explore the universe beyond our planet Earth, this course is for you. Starting from what is visible at night to the naked eye, we will investigate the motions, properties and evolution of the moon, the planets, the sun, stars, galaxies... We will also learn about the tools used in the exploration of the distant universe: telescopes, spectroscopes, space probes, etc. There will be a lot of slides and DVDs shown in class. You will also have the opportunity to observe celestial objects “live” through a telescope. “Astronomy” is for non-science students. No knowledge of mathematics will be required beyond what you learned in secondary school.
340-BPE-LWArt and Aesthetics: Drawing
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
This course considers various forms of art produced by aesthetic practices, including drawing, painting and sculpture. Students will write two papers (of 300 and 750 words) and a final exam. Students will also give a brief oral presentation as well as create at least four large drawings and a number of small sketches. The philosophical aspect of the course will include discussion of the formal and aesthetic qualities of artwork in order to help the students to consider what art is, what one is creating, and why. Various drawing techniques will be presented and their relation to the perception and observation of visual phenomena such as line, edge, light, shadow and perspective. The importance of interpretation and imagination in works of art will be examined. These elements will be explored in visual presentations that will introduce the art of the Renaissance, Baroque and Modern eras. The manual aspect of the course will occur in the studio where the students will be presented with practical approaches to drawing in various media including pencil, charcoal, conté and ink. With personal instruction from the teacher, each student, while learning about the medium, the qualities of the materials, and the potential of the tools, will create at least four large drawings and a number of smaller sketches. The drawings will be exhibited throughout the semester.
340-BPK-03Art and Aesthetics: Painting
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The objective of the course is to create a work of fine art, a painting. There are two aspects to this process. One is the practical studio work where the student will learn about materials, tools and techniques of painting. The other aspect involves the intellectual consideration and discussion of what art is and what one is creating.
365-BPB-LWCareer Planning: Exploring Your Future
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
This course offers students an opportunity to explore a contemporary issue as it relates to a career of interest, developing a good understanding of both. The course allows students to develop possible educational and career paths and to assess their career development process. The course also allows students to study a contemporary issue related to their career of interest, from the perspective a various disciplines. Issues could be related to globalization, ethics, evolving societal values, political-legal factors, economics, etc.
420-BPE-LWComputers Today
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
The objective of this course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of computer science, computer hardware and popular software and applications used to research and process information. Computer, data and cyber safety issues will be discussed. The student will be introduced to the terminology, concepts and techniques relevant to information technology. The student will review the history of computers, networking, the internet, world wide web, e-commerce and social media as well as the impacts that technology has had on entertainment, work, commerce, research, etc. The student will also discuss the future of computer science and the ramifications now being explored.
420-BPG-LWCommunication and Technology
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
More than ever in the world today, individuals and groups need to communicate ideas and concepts. Electronic communication tools or electronic support to communication are competencies that need to be mastered to properly evolve in today’s work environments. The objective of this course is to provide students with basic knowledge of computer science, computers and popular software used to efficiently research, analyze and communicate their ideas and concepts. The student will be introduced to the terminology, concepts and techniques relevant to information technology, with a focus on Microsoft Office.
603-BPE-LWGothic Literature
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3 (2)
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the gothic genre through a study of its origins in the 18th century and its subsequent evolution through time until today. The students will learn what constitutes the gothic and how this genre has affected other types of art. The various recurrent themes found in gothic fiction will be studied, including the issues of sin, madness, mortality and immortality, family dynamics, the belief in the supernatural, superstition, violence, the significance of fantasy and fear, obsession, and the role of gender, race, class and sexuality.
603-BPF-LWMyth, Fantasy and Science Fiction
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3 (2)
The purpose of this course is to study and understand the mythological origins of works of fantasy, science fiction and art. Students will read myths from cultures across the globe and follow the expression of their cultural development in fantasy, science fiction and art. Recurrent themes relevant to works of myth, fantasy, and science fiction will be studied, including issues such as love, death, beauty, truth, evil, mystery, dream, technology, and fear.
603-BPG-LWJournalism and the New Media
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
This complementary course contributes to several elements of the General Education Exit Profile. The student will demonstrate a college level proficiency in English in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The student will achieve balance and complementarity in relation to the program specific component.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
This course centers upon practical theatre work. A short history of theatre is also undertaken and some plays and sections of plays will be looked at from a literary point of view. The primary work in the course involves theatre workshop activities, individual monologue scenes, group scenes, warm-up exercises, and so forth. Naturally, a great deal of participation from the students is necessary. The final examination is practical (acting out a scene alone or with others) and the greatest part of the course grade is based on class participation.
603-BPV-03Creative Writing
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
In this particular course, the artistic field will be based on creativity through writing narrative prose or poetry or drama. Through the study of works of art and/or through experimenting in an artistic medium, students will develop an aesthetic sensibility. This training also aims to teach students the fundamentals of the language of art, and the skills to make connections between the elements of this language. This course is not intended for students who have problems with the English language.
Concentration Courses
101-BNB-05General Biology II
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
The objective of this course is to look at homeostasis as a unifying principle in the life processes of plants and animals. Topics include cell structure and function, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, membrane transport, gas exchange, and reproduction. It will be shown that each of these processes includes pathways common to all living organisms, thus providing additional support for evolutionary theory.
Take the remaining 1 of these 3 required concentration courses in the Health Science Profile
201-NYC-05Linear Algebra and Vector Geometry (200.B0)
Hours: 75
Weigjjhting: 3-2-3
This course is an introduction to linear algebra. Topics include vectors as directed line segments and in component form, linear dependence, basis, vector spaces and subspaces, dot and cross products, n-tuples as vectors, and vector equations of lines in two-space and of lines and planes in three-space, in addition to matrices: matrix arithmetic and inverses, determinants, and linear systems of equations and matrices.
203-NYC-05Waves, Optics and Modern Physics
Hours: 75
Weigjjhting: 3-2-3
This is the third course that students must take in physics, and it will provide students with a fundamental knowledge of the principles of wave motion as they pertain to light and sound. Course content includes: oscillations, simple harmonic motion, mechanical waves, sound, the Doppler effect, light, optics, electromagnetic theory, the concept of a photon and other selected topics of modern physics.
202-BNC-05Organic Chemistry I
Hours: 75
Weigjjhting: 3-2-3
Organic Chemistry is the study of the physical and chemical properties of the compounds of carbon that, as a class, constitute the vast majority of chemical compounds. Organic Chemistry I applies and extends general chemical principles seen in general chemistry courses. The organizing axiom of this course is that structure determines function, which is expressed in physical properties and chemical reactivity. After a review of basic concepts of bonding, structure and acid/base theory, a survey of the major organic functional groups will be done, followed by an introduction to organic chemical reactivity. Then the class will explore in depth the structure, nomenclature, physical properties, reactions and syntheses of several families of organic compounds, including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatics and alkyl halides. The concepts of stereoisomerism and optical activity are also introduced. Emphasis will be placed on reaction mechanisms and the physio-chemical principles that underlie functional group behaviour. The laboratory portion of the course includes an introduction to infrared spectrophotometry.
Required CA/IA Course (Choose 1)
Science CA/IA Option (Choose 1)
Weigjjhting: 3-2-3
All college programs in Québec have a comprehensive assessment (CA) which evaluates whether students have met the expectations of the graduate profile. In some programs, such as the Science Program, the comprehensive assessment is linked to a course with an integrative activity (IA), building on what was learned in past courses. In the St. Lawrence Science Program, this is done in the CA/IA option course taken in the last semester.
The comprehensive assessment is based on a CA portfolio students produce during the CA/IA course. The portfolio must demonstrate that students have attained the 12 program goals of the graduate profile. It may contain work (tests, assignments, papers and such) completed during any of the coursestaken to fulfill the requirements of the Science Program and documents produced for the exercise on ethical issues, as well as the written report for the integrative activity. Alternatively, the portfolio may be made up of a self-reflective essay that evaluates how students have attained the goals and objectives of the Science Program, citing specific examples of what was done to achieve these goals.
203-BNL-LWCA/IA Contemporary Physics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course offers an overview of the development of physics in the 20th century. In this course, we look at the experiments and models that lead to the birth of nuclear and quantum physics. We will study the classical and quantum models of the atom and discuss the probabilistic nature of the quantum world. This course also includes a study of nuclear structure, radioactivity, fusion and fission. Students will classify the fundamental particles according to their properties, interactions, conservation laws and decay properties. They will explore the world of accelerators and detectors and study the history of the universe. The course is integrative, developing in particular the relationship between contemporary physics and the other, compulsory, physics courses. Detailed work will be carried out in research projects (IA) that will cover such topics as: lasers, black holes, nanotechnologies, fission, superconductivity and string theory. Students who complete CA/IA-contemporary physics are not eligible to take the course Contemporary Physics (203-BNL-05)
203-BNM-LWCA/IA - Astrophysics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course will give students a fundamental knowledge of the various components of the universe and their properties using the principles of physics. The course is integrative, developing in particular the relationship between astrophysics and the other, compulsory, physics courses. Links with chemistry and biology are made when studying planetary, solar system and interstellar environments. Course content includes: the night sky, the solar system, stars, the Milky Way, galaxies and cosmology. The motions, properties and evolution of celestial objects will be discussed using the laws of physics. More detailed analyses will be carried out in research projects (IA). Optional topics include: the history of astronomy, time measurement, space exploration programs, extraterrestrial life, Special and General Relativity. The Integrative Activity and Comprehensive Assessment for the science program will take place in this course. Students who complete CA/IA-Astrophysics are not eligible to take the course Astrophysics (203-BNM-05).
202-BNJ-LWCA/IA - The Chemistry of Biological Molecules
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is an introductory biochemistry course where students will learn about the basic types of biologically important molecules. The course will also include an introduction to many processes where these molecules are involved: muscle contraction, blood clotting, and communication between cells. Finally some current applications of chemistry such as drugs and drug design, forensics, etc. will be studied. The laboratory will introduce the student to basic biochemistry laboratory techniques such as column chromatography, electrophoresis and enzyme assays and kinetics. The Integrative Activity and Comprehensive Assessment for the science program will take place in this course.
202-BNK-LWCA/IA - Chemistry Today
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course will address some of the many ways in which chemistry touches daily life, while equipping the students to find and assess the kinds of information related to chemical technology that will facilitate better personal and political decision-making concerning the uses of this technology. Issues related to science and society and to ethics are a very important part of the discussions. The course is integrative in nature, developing in particular the relationship between Biology and Chemistry, as molecules of biological importance are examined. The specific topics to be addressed include the chemistry of food and cooking, the chemistry of drugs and the chemistry of the environment. The Integrative Activity and Comprehensive Assessment for the science program will take place in this course. Students who complete CA/IA-Chemistry Today are not eligible to take the course Chemistry Today (202-BNK-05).
101-BNL-LWCA/IA Ecology
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is intended to introduce the student to the natural forces that govern relationships between an organism and its physical environment, as well as between organisms sharing an environment. The underlying theme of this course is that these interactions determine the abundance and distribution of organisms on Earth, and that human activities contribute to disrupting natural ecological relationships. Specifically, the course will include the following topics: population dynamics, competition, predation, biodiversity, pollution, overpopulation, habitat destruction. The Integrative Activity and Comprehensive Assessment for the science program will take place in this course. Students who complete CA/IA-Ecology are not eligible to take the course Introduction to Ecology (101-BNL-05).
101-BNM-LWCA/IA Microbiology
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
Students will be presented current, real-life examples to illustrate how the science of microbiology can be applied and learn some of the fundamental principles of microbiology needed to understand these examples. Topics will be chosen from three general fields of microbiology: environmental microbiology, food microbiology, and medical microbiology. In addition, the links between social and political issues and microbiology will also be examined. As with all science-option courses, CA/IA-Microbiology will address the fundamental principles of the experimental method. The Integrative Activity and Comprehensive Assessment for the science program will take place in this course. Students who complete CA/IA-Microbiology are not eligible to take the course The Essentials of Microbiology (101-BNM-05).
General Education Courses
603-101-MQIntroduction to College English
Hours: 60
Weighting: 2-2-4
This course will provide the student with the opportunity to make an intensive analysis of short fiction in order to see how it functions as a means of commenting upon human behavior and experience. Specifically, the student will examine such basic concepts of fiction as plot, character, setting, tone, atmosphere, point-of-view and theme. The student will be expected to produce written work and to take part in class discussion. To this end, students should learn to recognize the appropriate use of words, correct syntactical usage, and the coherent development of ideas; students should further learn to develop their own ideas into arguments and theses, to organize them and to edit the final copy.
First Required French Course
Weighting: Depends on the level (see each level below)
Your Sec. IV written French mark will determine into which level you will be placed.
Fall semester
602-100-MQFrançais de base
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
Ce cours élémentaire de français s'adresse aux élèves qui n'ont aucune connaissance du français. Il a pour but d'aider l'élève à acquérir et à appliquer les notions de base de la communication orale et écrite en français courant. On y fait de la grammaire, du vocabulaire, de la conversation, des laboratoires de langue, de la lecture et de l'écriture.
602-101-MQLangue française et communication
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
Ce cours permettra à l'élève rendu à ce niveau d'apprendre à communiquer en français avec une certaine aisance. Plus particulièrement, le cours vise l'acquisition d'habiletés de production (parler et écrire) et d'habiletés de compréhension (écouter et lire) par le biais d'activités de communication orales et écrites.
602-102-MQLangue française et culture
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant de comprendre les composantes essentielles d'oeuvres littéraires appartenant à différents genres (narratif, dramatique et poétique). L'étudiant développera, de façon plus particulière, ses capacités d'analyse et de rédaction, et acquerra les connaissances nécessaires pour produire une bonne analyse littéraire. Chaque oeuvre étudiée en classe permettra à l'étudiant de saisir l'importance des caractéristiques formelles, d'valuer leurs impacts sur le sens de l'oeuvre et d'en rendre compte dans un texte d'analyse d'environ 450 mots. De plus, une révision de certaines difficultés de la grammaire française amènera l'étudiant à mieux maîtriser la langue dans ses analyses.
602-103-MQCulture française et littérature
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant de traiter d'un sujet culturel ou littéraire en se servant d'ouvrages littéraires et de référence. L'étudiant développera plus particulièrement ses capacités générales d'analyse textuelle et de rédaction et devra en rendre compte dans une analyse complète de 550 mots.
602-900-LWLittérature d'expression française
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant de s'initier au vaste corpus de la littérature d'expression française du XXème siècle. Plus particulièrement, il sera amené à découvrir l'univers de grands écrivains de la littérature produite en France et au Québec et sera appelé à situer plusieurs oeuvres dans leur contexte socio-historique et culturel afin de réfléchir aux thèmes développés par les auteurs. De plus, l'étudiant acquerra des connaissances sur les mouvements littéraires auxquels correspondent les oeuvres mises à l'étude.
Physical Activity and Effectiveness
Weighting: 0-2-1
The 109-102-MQ course is designed to improve one’s effectiveness when practicing physical activity.
Concentration Courses
201-NYA-05Differential Calculus (200.B0)
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is a study of change from a mathematical view. Topics covered will include limits and continuity; the definition of the derivative of a function of one variable and the rules for differentiation, implicit differentiation, higher order derivatives, differentials and linear approximations, and l'Hospital's rule. Applications involve curve sketching, maxima and minima, and interpretations of rates of change.
202-NYA-05General Chemistry
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course forms the basis for all studies in chemistry. It includes the following topics: atomic and electronic structure, the periodic table, chemical nomenclature and equations, stoichiometry, ionic and covalent bonding, molecular geometry, intermolecular forces, kinetic-molecular theory, gas laws, the solid and liquid states and phase changes, and an introduction to some descriptive chemistry.
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This is the first course that students must take in physics and, as such, it is a prerequisite to understanding other branches of physics. Students will learn how to describe the motion of objects and the fundamental laws and principles of physics that govern motions. Course content includes: vectors, translational and rotational kinematics, Newton's Laws, translational and rotational dynamics, energy, momentum and the conservation laws.
General Education Courses
603-103-MQLiterary Themes in Poetry
Hours: 60
Weighting: 2-2-3
In this course, the student will critically examine literary themes such as: love, nature, war, death, the creative artistic process, the divine. The student will analyze these themes as found in the literary form of poetry, and will therefore also be expected to be familiar with such concepts as rhyme, rhythm and figurative language in its various forms. Besides being able to recognize the literary theme in a poem, the student will see it in its cultural context and as a comment on human values and experience.
Second Required French Course
Weighting: 3-0-3
The level you take will be based on the level of your first French course.
Winter semester
602-BNR-LWFondements de la communication française
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant d'apprendre à distinguer les caractéristiques formelles des principaux types de textes liés à son champ d'études pour arriver à les commenter. De plus, l'étudiant développera ses compétences afin de rédiger des textes liés à son champ d'études en respectant la structure adéquate de même que le code grammatical. À la fin du cours, l'étudiant devra être en mesure de rédiger un texte de 250 mots lié à son champ d'étude.
602-BNS-LWLangue française et réalité
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours aidera l'étudiant à communiquer en français avec plus d'aisance. À la fin du cours, l'élève devra pouvoir comprendre un texte écrit de 1000 mots et rédiger un texte de 350 mots à l'aide d'une grammaire, d'un dictionnaire et d'un répertoire de verbes.
602-BNT-LWExpression française informative & démonstrative
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours aidera l'étudient à communiquer en français avec aisance dans son champ d'étude particulier autant que possible. Il comprend l'étude des textes d'origines diverses, la rédaction de résumés et la révision de certaines difficultés de la grammaire française.
602-BNU-MQExpression française informative et argumentative
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant d'écrire une dissertation en français sur un sujet relié à son champ d'études autant que possible. L'étudiant développera de façon plus particulière ses capacités d'analyse et de rédaction, et acquerra les connaissances nécessaires pour produire un bon texte informatif, argumentatif et critique de spectacle ainsi qu'une analyse littéraire. À la fin du cours, l'étudiant devra être en mesure de rédiger des textes de 500 à 750 mots portant sur divers sujets culturels, sociaux ou scientifiques.
602-BNV-LWCommunication écrite
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
Ce cours permettra aux étudiants de transposer les théories liées à l'analyse littéraire vers les discours sociaux qui les entourent, soit les médias et la publicité. De plus, ils devront améliorer leur maîtrise stylistique et syntaxique afin d'atteindre différents objectifs préétablis.
Humanities - Knowledge
Weighting: 3-1-3
Taking a cue from its title, the Knowledge course is about forms of human knowledge. It is about how to distinguish between belief and knowledge in various domains, and about the method or methods by which human beings gain knowledge. Finally, the Knowledge course looks at how various types of knowledge are organized and used in our everyday and social lives.
345-101-2QKnowledge (Lecture)
Hours: 60
Weighting: 3-1-3
Lecture Pedagogy: Knowledge Lecture (L) sections are given by means of lecture pedagogy. The teacher lectures about the course content, using different pedagogical devices such as Power Point presentations, board notes, asking students to do smaller group discussions, and study questions. Sometimes students consider a cultural production (film, play) or are asked to attend a guest lecture. Consonant with the goal of the course, students will learn about rational argument as our general means of gaining knowledge and will put this method into practice throughout the course. Students will thus learn to recognize, analyze, evaluate, and use argument in thinking about, reading and writing about human knowledge. Students will also look at how other methods of obtaining knowledge compare to rational argument. Since the course is about human knowledge, individual sections focus on the varieties of human knowledge into which students are being inducted during their CEGEP studies. Knowledge (L) course content includes knowledge issues in mathematics, science, social sciences and commerce, literature and drama, the fine arts and music. Check course outlines for information about specific course content, readings and course material, in any given semester.
345-101-3QKnowledge (Seminar)
Hours: 60
Weighting: 3-1-3
Seminar Pedagogy: The Knowledge Seminar (S) course distinguishes itself by its seminar pedagogy. Classes consist of round-table discussion seminars in which students are expected to engage with the text under study, and also with other participants in the seminar. The aim is to encourage in students to undertake a critical approach together, to problems of knowledge as they arise in various texts (philosophical, literary, scientific, social scientific, etc.), in order to gain an understanding of, and analyse, problems of knowledge. Knowledge (S) sections take as their subject matter the forms of human knowledge into which students are being inducted during their cégep studies. Discussion topics, as they arise in our texts, might include knowledge issues in mathematics, science, social sciences and commerce, literature and drama, the fine arts and music. Students should look at the course outlines Knowledge (S) courses in any one session for more precise information about course content, readings and material to be studied. In addition, since method itself is a problem of knowledge, the seminar process of argument and discussion engaged in and applied during classes provides yet another subject for participants to reflect upon and discuss.
Physical Activity and Health
Weighting: 1-1-1
The 109-101-MQ course is designed to analyze one’s physical activity from the standpoint of a healthy lifestyle.
Concentration Courses
201-NYB-05Integral Calculus (200.B0)
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course centres upon antiderivatives and their uses, integrals of functions of one variable, the fundamental theorem of calculus and methods of integration. Applications involve areas, volumes of revolution, length of a curve, etc. Improper integrals and sequences, series and power series are also considered.
202-NYB-05Chemistry of Solutions
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is a continuation of General Chemistry and focuses on the properties of the dissolved state, including the characterisation of solutions, colloids, colligative properties, reaction kinetics and mechanisms, homogeneous equilibria, solubility equilibria, acids and bases, buffer systems, and oxidation-reduction reactions and electrochemistry.
203-NYB-05Electricity and Magnetism
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This is the second course that students must take in physics, and it will provide students with a fundamental knowledge of the laws of electromagnetism. Course content includes: electric charge and Coulomb's Law, electric field and Gauss' Law, electric potential, capacitance, electric current, circuits, moving charges and magnetism, the magnetic field, Ampere's Law, Faraday's Law, inductance and Maxwell's Equations.
General Education Courses
603-102-MQLiterary Genres
Hours: 60
Weighting: 2-2-3
This course will allow the student to make an intensive analysis of the literary genre of the drama. The principal general purpose of this analysis is to see how drama functions as a unique means of commenting upon the human situation. Furthermore the student will learn to understand a work's relationship to its literary, cultural and historical contexts and sill explicate a work (or works) representative of the genre.
Humanities - World Views
Weighting: 3-0-3
Whether we are aware of it or not, all of us have internalised, and are guided in our interactions with others by, a perspective on reality – or, a world view. Our world view is influenced by many things – the family and culture in which we are raised, religious beliefs we might be attached to, the literary and cultural productions of our time and place, the general social, political and economic structures of our society, the power of science and the knowledge it has given us, the historical epoch in which we live, the arts and media. The World Views course seeks to enable students to take a critical-humanistic stance to their view(s) of the world; and to show students that the world is viewed in a multitude of ways, which themselves have multiple sources and influences. In being able to gain critical distance, students should come understand what is thought to be important by holders of a world view and why. Students will gain an understanding of the difficulty of claims to truth related to any one world view; and in so doing, will learn to critically examine how a world view is related to its justification. Ultimately, the World Views course seeks to enable students to critically compare world views from a humanistic perspective, to see which views are justified and on what basis. The point is to broaden students’ perspectives on our shared human reality to help them make intelligent and caring choices in their own personal and social lives.
345-102-2QWorld Views Lecture
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The World Views Lecture (L) course distinguishes itself by means of lecture pedagogy. The teacher lectures about the course content, using different pedagogical devices such as Power Point presentations, board notes, asking students to do smaller group discussions, and study questions. Sometimes students consider a cultural production (film, play) or are asked to attend a guest lecture. Consonant with the goal of the course, lectures are focussed upon the examination of several world views, such as: philosophical, familial-cultural and/or literary-cultural, religious, socio-political and/or economic, scientific or historical. Precise course content and texts chosen vary with the section of the course. Students should check the course outlines in any one semester for more precise information on the content, readings, and course material in different sections.
345-102-3QWorld Views Seminar
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The World Views Seminar (S) course distinguishes itself by its seminar pedagogy. Classes consist of round-table discussion seminars in which students will actively engage with the text under study, and also to engage, by means of reasoned discussion, with other participants in the seminar, including the teacher. By means of such reasoned discussion, students will learn to describe and compare selected world views, to explain some of the major ideas, values and implications of these world views, and to organize them into coherent patterns. The aim of seminar pedagogy in the World Views course is to encourage students to undertake a critical-humanistic approach together to differing perspectives on reality. Students should check the course outlines in any one semester for more precise information on the course content, readings and study materials.
345-102-4QWorld Views: History of Art
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
History of Art: The department also offers more specialized World View Lecture courses in the content areas of Art History. In World Views – History of Art, the teacher lectures about the course content, using mainly PowerPoint presentations, but may ask students to engage in smaller group discussions, work on study questions, or apply theoretical knowledge to visual exercises, namely recognizing artists and their underlying world view by relying on Prezi presentations. Other times students could be asked to attend a guest lecture, or visit a museum. Consonant with the goal of the course, lectures are focussed upon the examination of differing world views as incarnated in art. Different aspects of each world view – whether they be philosophical, familial-cultural and/or literary-cultural, religious, socio-political and/or economic, scientific or historical – will be focused on the artistic movement under study or on the centre of interest of the artist. Precise course content and texts chosen vary with the section of the course. Students should check the course outlines in any one semester for more precise information on the content, readings, and course material in different sections.
Physical Activity and Autonomy
Weighting: 1-1-1
The 109-103-MQ course is designed to demonstrate one’s ability to assume responsibility for maintaining a healthy lifestyle through the continued practice of physical activity.
Complementary Course (Choose 1)
Weighting: Depends on course
Complementary courses are those in domains outside of your program. For example, students in the Science Program cannot take science or math courses as complementary courses. However, they may take courses in the Social Sciences, Languages, the Creative Arts and Literature and the Business area.
The courses listed below only serve as complementary courses, and they are never taken as concentration courses in any program. Many other courses can be taken as a complementary course if they are not already part of your program. For example, students who are not in the Social Science Program may take any first-level Social Science course, followed by a second-level course in the same discipline. Students who are not in the P.W. Sims Business Program may take Introduction to Business, followed by Accounting I, Business Law or Marketing. Students who are not in the Arts, Literature and Communication (ALC) Program may take Spanish or German courses. All potential complementary courses will be shown to you when you make your course selection in your Omnivox portal, as long as you have the pre-requisites. If you are unsure about what the pre-requisites for a course are, ask your Academic Advisor.
105-BPE-LWCSI: St. Lawrence
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
CSI: St. Lawrence (Forensics) is designed to accommodate non-science students wishing to learn basic scientific concepts and procedures. This complementary course will permit students to discover the procedures and techniques used in crime scene investigations. Throughout the course students will explore the simple laboratory procedures used to collect and identify criminal evidence. They will learn how to investigate criminal cases, collecting and analyzing the evidence available to solve a crime.
105-BPF-LWThe Science in Science Fiction
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
The Science in Science Fiction is a complementary course designed for students enrolled in programs other than science. The primary objectives of this course are to introduce students to a scientific way of thinking and to help students become more critical of seemingly scientific information. Science fiction movies and one novel will be used to introduce scientific concepts that will be explored in the classroom as well as laboratory settings. Students will learn about the scientific method, genetics, cloning, disease transmission, and global warming and learn to discriminate between the science fact and science fiction in the works such as the following: The Andromeda Strain (novel), Jurassic Park, Outbreak, GATTACA, and The Day After Tomorrow. (Note: The films will be presented during class time.) Due to the intensive nature of the course, students may not miss any classes. Because of the laboratory component, enrollment must be limited to 28 students.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
If you would like to explore the universe beyond our planet Earth, this course is for you. Starting from what is visible at night to the naked eye, we will investigate the motions, properties and evolution of the moon, the planets, the sun, stars, galaxies... We will also learn about the tools used in the exploration of the distant universe: telescopes, spectroscopes, space probes, etc. There will be a lot of slides and DVDs shown in class. You will also have the opportunity to observe celestial objects “live” through a telescope. “Astronomy” is for non-science students. No knowledge of mathematics will be required beyond what you learned in secondary school.
340-BPE-LWArt and Aesthetics: Drawing
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
This course considers various forms of art produced by aesthetic practices, including drawing, painting and sculpture. Students will write two papers (of 300 and 750 words) and a final exam. Students will also give a brief oral presentation as well as create at least four large drawings and a number of small sketches. The philosophical aspect of the course will include discussion of the formal and aesthetic qualities of artwork in order to help the students to consider what art is, what one is creating, and why. Various drawing techniques will be presented and their relation to the perception and observation of visual phenomena such as line, edge, light, shadow and perspective. The importance of interpretation and imagination in works of art will be examined. These elements will be explored in visual presentations that will introduce the art of the Renaissance, Baroque and Modern eras. The manual aspect of the course will occur in the studio where the students will be presented with practical approaches to drawing in various media including pencil, charcoal, conté and ink. With personal instruction from the teacher, each student, while learning about the medium, the qualities of the materials, and the potential of the tools, will create at least four large drawings and a number of smaller sketches. The drawings will be exhibited throughout the semester.
340-BPK-03Art and Aesthetics: Painting
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The objective of the course is to create a work of fine art, a painting. There are two aspects to this process. One is the practical studio work where the student will learn about materials, tools and techniques of painting. The other aspect involves the intellectual consideration and discussion of what art is and what one is creating.
365-BPB-LWCareer Planning: Exploring Your Future
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
This course offers students an opportunity to explore a contemporary issue as it relates to a career of interest, developing a good understanding of both. The course allows students to develop possible educational and career paths and to assess their career development process. The course also allows students to study a contemporary issue related to their career of interest, from the perspective a various disciplines. Issues could be related to globalization, ethics, evolving societal values, political-legal factors, economics, etc.
420-BPE-LWComputers Today
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
The objective of this course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of computer science, computer hardware and popular software and applications used to research and process information. Computer, data and cyber safety issues will be discussed. The student will be introduced to the terminology, concepts and techniques relevant to information technology. The student will review the history of computers, networking, the internet, world wide web, e-commerce and social media as well as the impacts that technology has had on entertainment, work, commerce, research, etc. The student will also discuss the future of computer science and the ramifications now being explored.
420-BPG-LWCommunication and Technology
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
More than ever in the world today, individuals and groups need to communicate ideas and concepts. Electronic communication tools or electronic support to communication are competencies that need to be mastered to properly evolve in today’s work environments. The objective of this course is to provide students with basic knowledge of computer science, computers and popular software used to efficiently research, analyze and communicate their ideas and concepts. The student will be introduced to the terminology, concepts and techniques relevant to information technology, with a focus on Microsoft Office.
603-BPE-LWGothic Literature
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3 (2)
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the gothic genre through a study of its origins in the 18th century and its subsequent evolution through time until today. The students will learn what constitutes the gothic and how this genre has affected other types of art. The various recurrent themes found in gothic fiction will be studied, including the issues of sin, madness, mortality and immortality, family dynamics, the belief in the supernatural, superstition, violence, the significance of fantasy and fear, obsession, and the role of gender, race, class and sexuality.
603-BPF-LWMyth, Fantasy and Science Fiction
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3 (2)
The purpose of this course is to study and understand the mythological origins of works of fantasy, science fiction and art. Students will read myths from cultures across the globe and follow the expression of their cultural development in fantasy, science fiction and art. Recurrent themes relevant to works of myth, fantasy, and science fiction will be studied, including issues such as love, death, beauty, truth, evil, mystery, dream, technology, and fear.
603-BPG-LWJournalism and the New Media
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
This complementary course contributes to several elements of the General Education Exit Profile. The student will demonstrate a college level proficiency in English in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The student will achieve balance and complementarity in relation to the program specific component.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
This course centers upon practical theatre work. A short history of theatre is also undertaken and some plays and sections of plays will be looked at from a literary point of view. The primary work in the course involves theatre workshop activities, individual monologue scenes, group scenes, warm-up exercises, and so forth. Naturally, a great deal of participation from the students is necessary. The final examination is practical (acting out a scene alone or with others) and the greatest part of the course grade is based on class participation.
603-BPV-03Creative Writing
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
In this particular course, the artistic field will be based on creativity through writing narrative prose or poetry or drama. Through the study of works of art and/or through experimenting in an artistic medium, students will develop an aesthetic sensibility. This training also aims to teach students the fundamentals of the language of art, and the skills to make connections between the elements of this language. This course is not intended for students who have problems with the English language.
Concentration Courses
101-NYA-05General Biology I
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
The purpose of this course is to provide an overall survey of living organisms from both an evolutionary and an ecological perspective. We begin by addressing the genetic code, cell reproduction, and the mechanisms governing heredity. From here, we examine the evolutionary processes by which today's life forms have originated through the descent and modification of more ancient forms of life, as well as the underlying genetic mechanisms responsible for this change. We then look at the possible origins of life on earth, and the evolutionary processes that could have led from the first unicellular organisms to the multicellular complexity of our current ecosystems. Finally, we examine some of the ecological principles governing the relationships between organisms and their environments, and address some of the Earth's major environmental problems.
203-NYC-05Waves, Optics and Modern Physics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This is the third course that students must take in physics, and it will provide students with a fundamental knowledge of the principles of wave motion as they pertain to light and sound. Course content includes: oscillations, simple harmonic motion, mechanical waves, sound, the Doppler effect, light, optics, electromagnetic theory, the concept of a photon and other selected topics of modern physics.
201-NYC-05Linear Algebra and Vector Geometry (200.B0)
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is an introduction to linear algebra. Topics include vectors as directed line segments and in component form, linear dependence, basis, vector spaces and subspaces, dot and cross products, n-tuples as vectors, and vector equations of lines in two-space and of lines and planes in three-space, in addition to matrices: matrix arithmetic and inverses, determinants, and linear systems of equations and matrices.
Note: You may replace 1 of the above required concentration courses in third semester with a science/math option course from the list below, but you must then take the remaining required concentration course in fourth semester
Science/Math Options
Weigjjhting: 3-2-3
101-BNB-05General Biology II
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
The objective of this course is to look at homeostasis as a unifying principle in the life processes of plants and animals. Topics include cell structure and function, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, membrane transport, gas exchange, and reproduction. It will be shown that each of these processes includes pathways common to all living organisms, thus providing additional support for evolutionary theory.
201-BNJ-05Topics in Mathematics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course deals with topics fundamental for anyone planning studies in mathematics, science, engineering or computer science at the university level. The course covers sequences, series, sigma notation and proof by induction; complex numbers: Cartesian, polar and trigonometric form, operations, and de Moivre's theorem; polynomials: polynomial functions and equations over the rational, real and complex numbers; planar transformations; techniques of counting, the binomial theorem, and an introduction to probability.
201-BNK-05Advanced Calculus
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is an in-depth look at single variable calculus and extensions to functions of two or more variables. The course will cover formal definitions of limit and continuity; functions of two or more variables, partial derivatives, tangent planes, directional derivatives, rates of change, and extrema on surfaces; multiple integrals, areas and volumes, etc.; and separable and linear differential equations. Other topics in advanced calculus may also be studied.
201-BNL-05Probability and Statistics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is an introduction to statistics for those with a background in calculus. This course is a study of descriptive statistics; combinatorial analysis and the binomial theorem; rules of probability, conditional probability and Bayes' theorem; discrete and continuous random variables; probability distributions; the central limit theorem; and inferential statistics: estimation and testing of hypotheses.
202-BNC-05Organic Chemistry I
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
Organic Chemistry is the study of the physical and chemical properties of the compounds of carbon that, as a class, constitute the vast majority of chemical compounds. Organic Chemistry I applies and extends general chemical principles seen in general chemistry courses. The organizing axiom of this course is that structure determines function, which is expressed in physical properties and chemical reactivity. After a review of basic concepts of bonding, structure and acid/base theory, a survey of the major organic functional groups will be done, followed by an introduction to organic chemical reactivity. Then the class will explore in depth the structure, nomenclature, physical properties, reactions and syntheses of several families of organic compounds, including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatics and alkyl halides. The concepts of stereoisomerism and optical activity are also introduced. Emphasis will be placed on reaction mechanisms and the physio-chemical principles that underlie functional group behaviour. The laboratory portion of the course includes an introduction to infrared spectrophotometry.
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course will provide a fundamental knowledge of the various components of the universe and their properties using the principles of physics. Course content includes: the night sky, the solar system, stars, the Milky Way, galaxies and cosmology. The motions, properties and evolution of celestial objects will be discussed using the laws of physics. The course is integrative, developing in particular the relationship between astrophysics and the other, compulsory, physics courses. Links with chemistry and biology are made when studying planetary, solar-system and interstellar environments. Detailed work will be carried out in research projects that will cover such topics as: the study of a telescope, planetary and satellite orbits, solar rotation, the measurement of relief features on the moon and the computation of tides. If time allows, the course will include an introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity.
203-BNP-LWIntroduction to Thermodynamics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is intended as an introduction to the principles of thermodynamics for students who intend to pursue their studies in either the biological or physical sciences. It will provide students with the knowledge of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and their applications to a variety of temperature-dependent systems, as well as an introduction to kinetic theory and statistical mechanics. Course content includes: heat, temperature and thermal equilibrium, the kinetic theory of gases, probability distributions, work and the first law of thermodynamics, reversible, irreversible and cyclic processes, engines, refrigerators, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, state functions, enthalpy, and Gibbs free energy.
203-BNN-LWContemporary Physics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course offers an overview of the development of physics in the 20th century. In this course, we look at the experiments that lead to the birth of quantum theory and learn its basic principles. We will study the classical and quantum models of the atom and apply the quantum model to various applications. This course also includes a study of nuclear structure and the models used to explain radioactivity, fusion and fission. Students will classify the fundamental particles according to their properties, interactions, conservation laws and decay properties. They will explore the world of accelerators and detectors and acquire the basic notions of cosmology and space-time physics.
General Education Courses
603-BNR-LWLong Fiction
Hours: 60
Weighting: 2-2-2
In this course, students will study the novel as a means of commenting on the human condition. Furthermore, student will learn how a work is related to its literary, cultural and historical contexts and will explicate works representative of the genre. Thematic approaches appropriate for Science students, ALC students, Business students and Social Science students will be examined. Fiction as a mirror of the world in general and in terms of the students’ pre-university programs of studies will be included.
Humanities - Ethics (Pre-University)
Weighting: 3-0-3
In general, ethics deals with theories of value and issues and policy questions concerning values. Ethics as a subject considers important and wide-reaching questions concerning human thought, human action and interaction, human conduct with other humans, other beings and the world. Some questions concerned are: “What is the nature of ethical value?”; “What are our values based on?”; “Are there any universal, a-historical values?”; “What are different viewpoints concerning ethical issues and value problems?”; and “How can human beings consider these questions and issues rationally”? Because ethics is primarily about values (as opposed to facts), it is studied in the humanities; historically-speaking, it is a major branch of philosophy. In this particular ethics course, students learn “to apply a critical thought process to ethical issues relevant to their field of study.” The ethics course is designed to introduce students to ethical issues and engage them in a reflection on them. The course situates ethical issues in their world views and deals with the kinds of knowledge they involve. Major ideas, values and social implications of various ethical issues are explained and organized into coherent patterns.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The Ethics Lecture (L) sections are distinguished by means of lecture pedagogy. The teacher lectures about the course content, using different pedagogical devices such as PowerPoint presentations, board notes, smaller group discussions, and study questions. Sometimes students consider a cultural production (film, play) or are asked to attend a guest lecture. In keeping with ministerial guidelines, the department offers one more content-specific course. Ethics (L) Business Administration Technology is designed to engage students in reflection on issues related to the present business world.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The Ethics Seminar (S) sections are distinguished by means of seminar pedagogy. Classes are round-table discussion seminars in which students are expected to engage in reasoned discussion with other students and with their teacher. These discussions are focussed upon specific readings which raise different ethical theories, issues, questions and judgments. The method of reasoned discussion in seminar is meant to complement the textual reflections themselves, and to aid students in developing a critical-humanistic approach to the bases for their own ethical view points and judgments.
Complementary Course (Choose 1)
Weighting: Depends on course
Complementary courses are those in domains outside of your program. For example, students in the Science Program cannot take science or math courses as complementary courses. However, they may take courses in the Social Sciences, Languages, the Creative Arts and Literature and the Business area.
The courses listed below only serve as complementary courses, and they are never taken as concentration courses in any program. Many other courses can be taken as a complementary course if they are not already part of your program. For example, students who are not in the Social Science Program may take any first-level Social Science course, followed by a second-level course in the same discipline. Students who are not in the P.W. Sims Business Program may take Introduction to Business, followed by Accounting I, Business Law or Marketing. Students who are not in the Arts, Literature and Communication (ALC) Program may take Spanish or German courses. All potential complementary courses will be shown to you when you make your course selection in your Omnivox portal, as long as you have the pre-requisites. If you are unsure about what the pre-requisites for a course are, ask your Academic Advisor.
105-BPE-LWCSI: St. Lawrence
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
CSI: St. Lawrence (Forensics) is designed to accommodate non-science students wishing to learn basic scientific concepts and procedures. This complementary course will permit students to discover the procedures and techniques used in crime scene investigations. Throughout the course students will explore the simple laboratory procedures used to collect and identify criminal evidence. They will learn how to investigate criminal cases, collecting and analyzing the evidence available to solve a crime.
105-BPF-LWThe Science in Science Fiction
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
The Science in Science Fiction is a complementary course designed for students enrolled in programs other than science. The primary objectives of this course are to introduce students to a scientific way of thinking and to help students become more critical of seemingly scientific information. Science fiction movies and one novel will be used to introduce scientific concepts that will be explored in the classroom as well as laboratory settings. Students will learn about the scientific method, genetics, cloning, disease transmission, and global warming and learn to discriminate between the science fact and science fiction in the works such as the following: The Andromeda Strain (novel), Jurassic Park, Outbreak, GATTACA, and The Day After Tomorrow. (Note: The films will be presented during class time.) Due to the intensive nature of the course, students may not miss any classes. Because of the laboratory component, enrollment must be limited to 28 students.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
If you would like to explore the universe beyond our planet Earth, this course is for you. Starting from what is visible at night to the naked eye, we will investigate the motions, properties and evolution of the moon, the planets, the sun, stars, galaxies... We will also learn about the tools used in the exploration of the distant universe: telescopes, spectroscopes, space probes, etc. There will be a lot of slides and DVDs shown in class. You will also have the opportunity to observe celestial objects “live” through a telescope. “Astronomy” is for non-science students. No knowledge of mathematics will be required beyond what you learned in secondary school.
340-BPE-LWArt and Aesthetics: Drawing
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
This course considers various forms of art produced by aesthetic practices, including drawing, painting and sculpture. Students will write two papers (of 300 and 750 words) and a final exam. Students will also give a brief oral presentation as well as create at least four large drawings and a number of small sketches. The philosophical aspect of the course will include discussion of the formal and aesthetic qualities of artwork in order to help the students to consider what art is, what one is creating, and why. Various drawing techniques will be presented and their relation to the perception and observation of visual phenomena such as line, edge, light, shadow and perspective. The importance of interpretation and imagination in works of art will be examined. These elements will be explored in visual presentations that will introduce the art of the Renaissance, Baroque and Modern eras. The manual aspect of the course will occur in the studio where the students will be presented with practical approaches to drawing in various media including pencil, charcoal, conté and ink. With personal instruction from the teacher, each student, while learning about the medium, the qualities of the materials, and the potential of the tools, will create at least four large drawings and a number of smaller sketches. The drawings will be exhibited throughout the semester.
340-BPK-03Art and Aesthetics: Painting
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
The objective of the course is to create a work of fine art, a painting. There are two aspects to this process. One is the practical studio work where the student will learn about materials, tools and techniques of painting. The other aspect involves the intellectual consideration and discussion of what art is and what one is creating.
365-BPB-LWCareer Planning: Exploring Your Future
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
This course offers students an opportunity to explore a contemporary issue as it relates to a career of interest, developing a good understanding of both. The course allows students to develop possible educational and career paths and to assess their career development process. The course also allows students to study a contemporary issue related to their career of interest, from the perspective a various disciplines. Issues could be related to globalization, ethics, evolving societal values, political-legal factors, economics, etc.
420-BPE-LWComputers Today
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
The objective of this course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of computer science, computer hardware and popular software and applications used to research and process information. Computer, data and cyber safety issues will be discussed. The student will be introduced to the terminology, concepts and techniques relevant to information technology. The student will review the history of computers, networking, the internet, world wide web, e-commerce and social media as well as the impacts that technology has had on entertainment, work, commerce, research, etc. The student will also discuss the future of computer science and the ramifications now being explored.
420-BPG-LWCommunication and Technology
Hours: 45
Weighting: 1-2-3
More than ever in the world today, individuals and groups need to communicate ideas and concepts. Electronic communication tools or electronic support to communication are competencies that need to be mastered to properly evolve in today’s work environments. The objective of this course is to provide students with basic knowledge of computer science, computers and popular software used to efficiently research, analyze and communicate their ideas and concepts. The student will be introduced to the terminology, concepts and techniques relevant to information technology, with a focus on Microsoft Office.
603-BPE-LWGothic Literature
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3 (2)
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the gothic genre through a study of its origins in the 18th century and its subsequent evolution through time until today. The students will learn what constitutes the gothic and how this genre has affected other types of art. The various recurrent themes found in gothic fiction will be studied, including the issues of sin, madness, mortality and immortality, family dynamics, the belief in the supernatural, superstition, violence, the significance of fantasy and fear, obsession, and the role of gender, race, class and sexuality.
603-BPF-LWMyth, Fantasy and Science Fiction
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3 (2)
The purpose of this course is to study and understand the mythological origins of works of fantasy, science fiction and art. Students will read myths from cultures across the globe and follow the expression of their cultural development in fantasy, science fiction and art. Recurrent themes relevant to works of myth, fantasy, and science fiction will be studied, including issues such as love, death, beauty, truth, evil, mystery, dream, technology, and fear.
603-BPG-LWJournalism and the New Media
Hours: 45
Weighting: 2-1-3
This complementary course contributes to several elements of the General Education Exit Profile. The student will demonstrate a college level proficiency in English in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The student will achieve balance and complementarity in relation to the program specific component.
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
This course centers upon practical theatre work. A short history of theatre is also undertaken and some plays and sections of plays will be looked at from a literary point of view. The primary work in the course involves theatre workshop activities, individual monologue scenes, group scenes, warm-up exercises, and so forth. Naturally, a great deal of participation from the students is necessary. The final examination is practical (acting out a scene alone or with others) and the greatest part of the course grade is based on class participation.
603-BPV-03Creative Writing
Hours: 45
Weighting: 3-0-3
In this particular course, the artistic field will be based on creativity through writing narrative prose or poetry or drama. Through the study of works of art and/or through experimenting in an artistic medium, students will develop an aesthetic sensibility. This training also aims to teach students the fundamentals of the language of art, and the skills to make connections between the elements of this language. This course is not intended for students who have problems with the English language.
Science/Math Option Courses (Choose 2 from the list below, or choose 1 and any remaining required concentration course from third semester)
Science/Math Options
Weigjjhting: 3-2-3
101-BNB-05General Biology II
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
The objective of this course is to look at homeostasis as a unifying principle in the life processes of plants and animals. Topics include cell structure and function, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, membrane transport, gas exchange, and reproduction. It will be shown that each of these processes includes pathways common to all living organisms, thus providing additional support for evolutionary theory.
201-BNJ-05Topics in Mathematics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course deals with topics fundamental for anyone planning studies in mathematics, science, engineering or computer science at the university level. The course covers sequences, series, sigma notation and proof by induction; complex numbers: Cartesian, polar and trigonometric form, operations, and de Moivre's theorem; polynomials: polynomial functions and equations over the rational, real and complex numbers; planar transformations; techniques of counting, the binomial theorem, and an introduction to probability.
201-BNK-05Advanced Calculus
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is an in-depth look at single variable calculus and extensions to functions of two or more variables. The course will cover formal definitions of limit and continuity; functions of two or more variables, partial derivatives, tangent planes, directional derivatives, rates of change, and extrema on surfaces; multiple integrals, areas and volumes, etc.; and separable and linear differential equations. Other topics in advanced calculus may also be studied.
201-BNL-05Probability and Statistics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is an introduction to statistics for those with a background in calculus. This course is a study of descriptive statistics; combinatorial analysis and the binomial theorem; rules of probability, conditional probability and Bayes' theorem; discrete and continuous random variables; probability distributions; the central limit theorem; and inferential statistics: estimation and testing of hypotheses.
202-BNC-05Organic Chemistry I
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
Organic Chemistry is the study of the physical and chemical properties of the compounds of carbon that, as a class, constitute the vast majority of chemical compounds. Organic Chemistry I applies and extends general chemical principles seen in general chemistry courses. The organizing axiom of this course is that structure determines function, which is expressed in physical properties and chemical reactivity. After a review of basic concepts of bonding, structure and acid/base theory, a survey of the major organic functional groups will be done, followed by an introduction to organic chemical reactivity. Then the class will explore in depth the structure, nomenclature, physical properties, reactions and syntheses of several families of organic compounds, including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatics and alkyl halides. The concepts of stereoisomerism and optical activity are also introduced. Emphasis will be placed on reaction mechanisms and the physio-chemical principles that underlie functional group behaviour. The laboratory portion of the course includes an introduction to infrared spectrophotometry.
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course will provide a fundamental knowledge of the various components of the universe and their properties using the principles of physics. Course content includes: the night sky, the solar system, stars, the Milky Way, galaxies and cosmology. The motions, properties and evolution of celestial objects will be discussed using the laws of physics. The course is integrative, developing in particular the relationship between astrophysics and the other, compulsory, physics courses. Links with chemistry and biology are made when studying planetary, solar-system and interstellar environments. Detailed work will be carried out in research projects that will cover such topics as: the study of a telescope, planetary and satellite orbits, solar rotation, the measurement of relief features on the moon and the computation of tides. If time allows, the course will include an introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity.
203-BNP-LWIntroduction to Thermodynamics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is intended as an introduction to the principles of thermodynamics for students who intend to pursue their studies in either the biological or physical sciences. It will provide students with the knowledge of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and their applications to a variety of temperature-dependent systems, as well as an introduction to kinetic theory and statistical mechanics. Course content includes: heat, temperature and thermal equilibrium, the kinetic theory of gases, probability distributions, work and the first law of thermodynamics, reversible, irreversible and cyclic processes, engines, refrigerators, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, state functions, enthalpy, and Gibbs free energy.
203-BNN-LWContemporary Physics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course offers an overview of the development of physics in the 20th century. In this course, we look at the experiments that lead to the birth of quantum theory and learn its basic principles. We will study the classical and quantum models of the atom and apply the quantum model to various applications. This course also includes a study of nuclear structure and the models used to explain radioactivity, fusion and fission. Students will classify the fundamental particles according to their properties, interactions, conservation laws and decay properties. They will explore the world of accelerators and detectors and acquire the basic notions of cosmology and space-time physics.
Required CA/IA Course (Choose 1)
Science CA/IA Option (Choose 1)
Weigjjhting: 3-2-3
All college programs in Québec have a comprehensive assessment (CA) which evaluates whether students have met the expectations of the graduate profile. In some programs, such as the Science Program, the comprehensive assessment is linked to a course with an integrative activity (IA), building on what was learned in past courses. In the St. Lawrence Science Program, this is done in the CA/IA option course taken in the last semester.
The comprehensive assessment is based on a CA portfolio students produce during the CA/IA course. The portfolio must demonstrate that students have attained the 12 program goals of the graduate profile. It may contain work (tests, assignments, papers and such) completed during any of the coursestaken to fulfill the requirements of the Science Program and documents produced for the exercise on ethical issues, as well as the written report for the integrative activity. Alternatively, the portfolio may be made up of a self-reflective essay that evaluates how students have attained the goals and objectives of the Science Program, citing specific examples of what was done to achieve these goals.
203-BNL-LWCA/IA Contemporary Physics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course offers an overview of the development of physics in the 20th century. In this course, we look at the experiments and models that lead to the birth of nuclear and quantum physics. We will study the classical and quantum models of the atom and discuss the probabilistic nature of the quantum world. This course also includes a study of nuclear structure, radioactivity, fusion and fission. Students will classify the fundamental particles according to their properties, interactions, conservation laws and decay properties. They will explore the world of accelerators and detectors and study the history of the universe. The course is integrative, developing in particular the relationship between contemporary physics and the other, compulsory, physics courses. Detailed work will be carried out in research projects (IA) that will cover such topics as: lasers, black holes, nanotechnologies, fission, superconductivity and string theory. Students who complete CA/IA-contemporary physics are not eligible to take the course Contemporary Physics (203-BNL-05)
203-BNM-LWCA/IA - Astrophysics
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course will give students a fundamental knowledge of the various components of the universe and their properties using the principles of physics. The course is integrative, developing in particular the relationship between astrophysics and the other, compulsory, physics courses. Links with chemistry and biology are made when studying planetary, solar system and interstellar environments. Course content includes: the night sky, the solar system, stars, the Milky Way, galaxies and cosmology. The motions, properties and evolution of celestial objects will be discussed using the laws of physics. More detailed analyses will be carried out in research projects (IA). Optional topics include: the history of astronomy, time measurement, space exploration programs, extraterrestrial life, Special and General Relativity. The Integrative Activity and Comprehensive Assessment for the science program will take place in this course. Students who complete CA/IA-Astrophysics are not eligible to take the course Astrophysics (203-BNM-05).
202-BNJ-LWCA/IA - The Chemistry of Biological Molecules
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is an introductory biochemistry course where students will learn about the basic types of biologically important molecules. The course will also include an introduction to many processes where these molecules are involved: muscle contraction, blood clotting, and communication between cells. Finally some current applications of chemistry such as drugs and drug design, forensics, etc. will be studied. The laboratory will introduce the student to basic biochemistry laboratory techniques such as column chromatography, electrophoresis and enzyme assays and kinetics. The Integrative Activity and Comprehensive Assessment for the science program will take place in this course.
202-BNK-LWCA/IA - Chemistry Today
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course will address some of the many ways in which chemistry touches daily life, while equipping the students to find and assess the kinds of information related to chemical technology that will facilitate better personal and political decision-making concerning the uses of this technology. Issues related to science and society and to ethics are a very important part of the discussions. The course is integrative in nature, developing in particular the relationship between Biology and Chemistry, as molecules of biological importance are examined. The specific topics to be addressed include the chemistry of food and cooking, the chemistry of drugs and the chemistry of the environment. The Integrative Activity and Comprehensive Assessment for the science program will take place in this course. Students who complete CA/IA-Chemistry Today are not eligible to take the course Chemistry Today (202-BNK-05).
101-BNL-LWCA/IA Ecology
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
This course is intended to introduce the student to the natural forces that govern relationships between an organism and its physical environment, as well as between organisms sharing an environment. The underlying theme of this course is that these interactions determine the abundance and distribution of organisms on Earth, and that human activities contribute to disrupting natural ecological relationships. Specifically, the course will include the following topics: population dynamics, competition, predation, biodiversity, pollution, overpopulation, habitat destruction. The Integrative Activity and Comprehensive Assessment for the science program will take place in this course. Students who complete CA/IA-Ecology are not eligible to take the course Introduction to Ecology (101-BNL-05).
101-BNM-LWCA/IA Microbiology
Hours: 75
Weighting: 3-2-3
Students will be presented current, real-life examples to illustrate how the science of microbiology can be applied and learn some of the fundamental principles of microbiology needed to understand these examples. Topics will be chosen from three general fields of microbiology: environmental microbiology, food microbiology, and medical microbiology. In addition, the links between social and political issues and microbiology will also be examined. As with all science-option courses, CA/IA-Microbiology will address the fundamental principles of the experimental method. The Integrative Activity and Comprehensive Assessment for the science program will take place in this course. Students who complete CA/IA-Microbiology are not eligible to take the course The Essentials of Microbiology (101-BNM-05).